The Divine Contrasts of My Life

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


I’ve had a busy day.  I’ve had a day full of doing things I never had time for when I was still working.  Busy meant something very different way back then.  Today, my big complaint was that it was too hot outside to consider going into the hot tube on the deck when I got up.  So, I dressed, ate breakfast over email and Facebook, then fed birds their seed and suet, fed the nine waiting teenage Mallards lots of cracked corn in the creek, drove to the gym for a two hour workout, came home, showered, took our cat to the vet for a checkup and rabies shot, and then came home remembering I had not yet written my Treatment for today.  Oh, God!  It feels like I just can’t keep up with everything.  That’s also the way I felt sometimes when I was still working.   So, ……………………….


I look up through the venetian blinds at darkening clouds, and I relax and release any thought that we have had too much rain.  I become quiet, knowing that somehow the rain will make a perfect blend with the earlier sunshine.  I come to love the contrasts and the Divine blending at the boundaries of the opposites of my life.  I see God in the rain and sun, the trees and the dirt, the ducks and the creek, career and retirement, the rocks and the sand, appetizers and dessert, work and play, young and old.  I allow and accept and love playing with the Divine contrasts of my life.  I know them as God at work, and at play also.

I accept the contrasts and know the blending brings a sense of unity in my life.  Somehow we are one and many at the same time.  I allow it to be either way in my life: our Divinity makes us Diverse, and our Diversity makes us Divine.

I realize I can “have it both ways”.  I see those of us who are still working and raising children and trying to take care of a home and a bank account as having different contrasts in their lives.  I know those contrasts blend into Divine diversities, and we all have the power to stop occasionally, look up through the venetian blinds of life, see the rain clouds and the sun shine, and allow them to blend into the blessing of a Divine life.  We each have that Divine life and the power to stop, and know it NOW.

I am so grateful the floods and droughts of life just average out and blend into a Divine rain forest with oases of Saguaro Cacti.  I thank God for the contrasts of life and our power to blend them together in rainbows of life.  The power of words is the power of compromise.  I’m grateful for them all.

I release and let it be, whatever It is.  I trust and know that God is a huge blender for whatever way we choose to blend the contrasts of this busy life.  And we each have to power to release ourselves into whatever is next in our busy day.

And, so it is.  Amen

 Treatment for for July 9, 2015