We Are One

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

We have just had a national election that was bitter and divisive, and millions are happy with the result, while millions of others are upset.  It occurred on the latest date Election Day can be, so we were treated to almost a week of “extra” divisiveness.

Tomorrow, we observe Veterans Day, a day set aside to honor those of us (including me) who have served in our armed forces.  To all, we say thank you.

One thing on which I think we can all agree is thanking our veterans for protecting our liberty — even when it’s used in such divisive ways as we have seen in this now-concluded campaign.

Remember, whatever appearances may be, we are one.  We’re all people and we’re all Americans, and we need each other.  We’re in this together, like it or not.

Ernest Holmes said that we are a teaching and healing order.  Now is a time to put that into play.  Both teaching and healing are called for, as Americans mourn and celebrate.

And so we do what we do best, which is pray.  An activity very much needed at this time.

There is only One.  One Life, One Mind, One Power, One Presence, One Intelligence, One Consciousness.  It is All in All, in, as, through all.  All there is is this One.

Thus, each of us is that One.  We are its expression.  It has chosen to express as each of us consciously, deliberately, intentionally, in this place and time.  Each of us expresses that One here and now.

Each of us radiates the love, peace, harmony that is God’s perfect expression for us.  Each leader and each citizen is guided.  Each of us is secure in the freedom to express ourselves fully.  We thank and honor those who have helped secure that freedom, and we know that our leaders work to maximize and protect that freedom and the opportunity to live the fullest, greatest lives we can live.

I am grateful for peace, harmony, love, freedom.  I am grateful for Divine Guidance.  I am grateful for Wisdom.  I am grateful for those who put their lives on the line to secure the blessings of liberty.  For all of this, I am grateful.

And I simply know and accept the highest and best for each person, for my country, for those who serve, and for all.  I know that all is well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well, and in that knowing, I simply let go and let God.  I know that this word is fulfilled right now.

And SO it IS!

Treatment for November 10, 2016