September, 2014

Love, Transitions, Eternity

Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP                          

As many of you know, our beloved cat, Maggie, made her transition yesterday evening after a brief illness.  As I am still feeling the grief of losing her, I will write this prayer for gratitude of her life, and the continuation of that life into her next experience,

     I know that there is only one life eternally expressing as all that we know, all that we experience.
     I know that this life is my life, the life that is the life of all that lives..I know that I am enfolded in the love and life of God..I experience the love of God in the memories of our beloved cat, and all those that have gone before her.  These memories soothe the heart, and help fill the hole that is there..I am truly grateful for the life that she gave us, the joy and love she expressed.  I release her to her next and greater expression of love, joy and life.  I look forward to encountering her in what ever form she takes, knowing that it is the life of the eternal one.  Beloved, loving being of God.  Thank you mother-father God for this knowing.  Thank you for the memory of love.  I release this prayer to the one.
     Thank you all for your prayers on her and our behalf.
Treatment for September 20, 2014

“You can never go back again.” Not true.


Treatment by Carol Haave, RScP

What’s the old saying: “you can never go back again.”  Not true.  I recently visited a house that we built on Bald Head Island and sold 13 years ago.  BHI is 3 miles offshore into the Atlantic — no bridge, no cars.  Some friends are considering buying it.  I walked in the house and it was EXACTLY the same — same furniture, same rugs, same kitchen, same colors, even the same plastic plants. Now I could buy it back, but would I want to?  Many of our friends are still there.  We had a fabulous time.  I was asked to consider a job there.  But is that the right move?

     I love Bald Head Island because it reminds me more of God than anyplace I’ve lived.  The beauty of the beaches, the power of the storms, the rustling of the sea oats, the perfect sand dollars, the dolphins and the alligators — it’s all there, every day.  It’s beautiful.  And yet, isn’t the purpose of life to move forward, to move on — to take our knowledge and experience and keep growing to our highest potential?  But what is that exactly?  Our highest potential?
     In this moment, I am One with All that is.  I relish in the beauty and the power and the glory that is God, that I am.  No matter what decisions I make or what actions I do/don’t take, I am Divinely Guided by the Power behind all that is, and all is well.  I now have an opportunity for a “do-over,” but I choose to find other adventures and ways of being in the world. I choose to live boldly, do things differently, be unafraid and not feel like I have to run back to safety.  I realize that while I can always go back, things may have changed and, even if slightly, that gives a different experience.  And so I stay present in the NOW moment.
     Right now, I am content to enjoy the island without the what-ifs.  Right now, I can reacquaint myself with friends that I haven’t seen in a long time and simply enjoy our time together.  Right now, I have an opportunity to make amends if any are to be made.  And all this time, I know that God is everywhere, not just on Bald Head and that each place has its own beauty, power and glory, just as each of us do.
     I am grateful every day for little insights.  I am grateful to know when I am making things harder than they should be — and I stop it.  I am grateful for the amazing weekend I was provided to be with family and friends.  My heart is full.  NOW, back to reality <grin>.  Thank you God for THIS perfect day.  I release these words knowing their complete manifestation and go forth doing great and wonderful things.  What will you do today?  And so it is.
Treatment for September 16, 2014

Leaning Forward Together

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


“What is the feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-by. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” ~ Jack Kerouac, On The Road

That was a quote used by Rev Jim Lockhart, Center for Spiritual Living Simi Valley, CA, to begin a memorial message he sent for the service we had for Carol, a member of our Center some time ago, and who was back here with us when she passed away.  I had the honor of reading his memory of Carol for our Memorial service.

Both Rev Jim’s memories of Carol and the quote from Jack Kerouac are still with me now, four nights later, and I love them.  As Carol fades, it’s really a “too-huge world vaulting us”, but it’s not “good-by”.


I come to my place of peace, where I go each time the “too-huge world vaults” me.  I find my peace with Pa, and Ma, and Robert, and Florence, and David and Carol, and with all who have said “good-by” to this too-huge world, but not to me.  I did not say “good-by” to them, and they all are still here with me in memory and mind and Spirit.  They are still “leaning forward “ with me as I move to my “next crazy venture beneath our sky”.  We lean together into the next adventure.  It is our adventure together, and I allow myself to become a Devine vehicle by which they can live forever.

My turn will come also to say “good-by” to this “too huge, vaulting” world, to become a speck dispersing.  But, I will not say “good-by” to all of you or to all of my friends and loved ones.  I know I too will live on in memory and mind and Spirit.  I see this for all I know and for all who read this and we are One in our power to just “lean forward to the next crazy adventure” in Mind.  We choose together to go on.

So, in reality, I know there is no reality out there.  That is only the too huge vaulting world and the sky beyond, under which we find our next crazy venture.  We make our own reality by simply “leaning forward”.  And so, as we lean together, I realize we lean as One.  We are One.  We each find our own crazy venture, so we are unique and diverse in our craziness.  It is that craziness in which I now rejoice and for which I thank God.

We are all specks dispersing in an Infinite World of Spirit.  Yet, we each go on in memory and Mind knowing that we can just continue to lean forward and Be what we want to Be.  For that I am so thankful.

So, I release my need to recede or to see others receding, or to disperse and say “good by”.  I release these words into the vaulting world of both form and Spirit, knowing that they both simply allow me to just Be.  So, I continue to just Be, slightly leaning forward as I just let it all Be.

And so it is.  Amen

Treatment for September 9, 2014

Change and Constancy


Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz

Labor Day and almost the start of Fall! Summer is fading and school is starting! Changes are visible, and the One Presence and One Power—the Living Spirit Almighty—remains constant. It is everywhere present, it is the Creator and the Creation, All Life and everything there is. Through spiritual practices—meditation, prayer, visioning, etc.—we can consciously perceive our Oneness, Wholeness and Unity with the Spirit. For there is no separation, no duality—there is only One God and One Life and it is in each one of us. When we go within, we know the Truth that sets us free and the Divine guidance, direction and protection lead us to our highest Good and greatest yet to be. And so we pray….

There is only One Life. That Life is God’s Life. That Life is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Eternal and Immortal. That Life is my Life right here and Now! There is only One Presence and One Power and it is God and it is Good. It is Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent and always available and unchanging. And I am that I am! I am one with this Power, Presence and Living Spirit Almighty. This is the Truth that sets me free. And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, each and everyone is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Eternal and Immortal—a Divine Individualization and Incarnation of Good. I know that we are one with everything and everyone and are Divinely guided, directed, led and protected to our highest good and greatest yet to be through living Life from within, surrendering and accepting the gifts that have already been given. I declare that we already are living in the Kingdom of Good and that the Law works for each and everyone as the Truth sets us free. Life is Good; it is abundant and it is available for all.

I am exceedingly grateful for the knowledge and experience of the Truth by each and everyone and the Divine Guidance, Direction and Protection that is always present and available on the path to our highest good and greatest yet to be. I am grateful for the Unity and Love that binds each and everyone to the Whole and the Truth and allows us to Live the One Life in the Kingdom of Good as we know all is well as underneath are the everlasting arms.

I speak my Word unto the Law, where it is already known in the Mind of God. I release it and let it go and know that it will not return unto me void. I give thanks that this is so and so it is!

Treatment for August 27, 2014