Prayer Response

[insert_php] // =========================== Housekeeping =================================
$errors = ”;
if(empty($_POST[‘issue’]) ||
$errors .= “errorclass”; // to not show the prayer on the full prayer request

$issue = $_POST[‘issue’];
$outcome = $_POST[‘outcome’];
$outcome = htmlspecialchars($outcome, ENT_QUOTES);
$outcome = wordwrap($outcome, 70);
$borderClass = “”;
$write = “”;

// ============================== Radio Button Choices ===================================
if(strcmp($issue, ‘health’)==0) {
$write = “I am born of pure Spirit, inheritor of vibrant health. Immortal consciousness pumps the blood in my veins and the air in my lungs. Universal Intelligence directs each cell in my body to play its part in repelling disease and healing injury. I am whole. I am strong. I am a nodule of aliveness in the vast net of Life.”;
$borderClass = “health”;
elseif(strcmp($issue, ‘relationships’)==0) {
$write = “It expresses in the richness of my relationships. I make no judgments; I see the Divine Presence in each person I meet. My loving thoughts of others attract them to me by the immutable law of attraction. I am never alone, but embraced in supportive, loving relationships.”;
$borderClass = “relationships”;
elseif(strcmp($issue, ‘career’)==0) {
$write = “It expresses in my perfect work in the world. My profession is the activity of the Great Mind working through me. I am inspired in my work with lofty ideals. My workplace is filled with interesting, respectful people. The work is fulfilling, and I am compensated beyond my expectations as I do excellent work.”;
$borderClass = “career”;
elseif(strcmp($issue, ‘finances’)==0) {
$write = “It expresses in my financial abundance. I am interwoven in the net of unlimited Cosmic resources. With the Universe as my source, I have access to everything I need, just as I need it. Just as the Earth builds mighty oaks from dirt and rain, so do I, from my resources, build amazing works in service to myself and others. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give me the Kingdom.”;
$borderClass = “finances”;
elseif(strcmp($issue, ‘spiritualgrowth’)==0) {
$write = “I realize the PRESENCE which binds all together in one complete Whole. Its power and light unfolds itself in me as deeper wisdom, compassion, and service. It radiates through me, and lifts the consciousness of all whose paths I cross. I am guided to right action in each moment. When trouble surrounds me, I know that all is in Divine Right Order. I have no fear.”;

// uses a random class from the array
$bgpics = array(“spiritualgrowth”, “spiritualgrowth2”, “spiritualgrowth3”);
$max = count($bgpics)-1;
$randomImage = rand(0, $max);

$borderClass = $bgpics[$randomImage];
// ========================================== output =============================
echo ‘

‘; // start of border

My Affirmative Prayer Treatment

There is only one power in the universe.

I am one with that power. It lives and breathes through me.
[insert_php] echo $write; [/insert_php]

[insert_php] // ============================== Sentence ===================================
echo “$outcome”;
}[/insert_php] [insert_php] // ============================== Email handler ===================================
$myemail = ‘[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]’; //<—–Put Your email address here.

$to = $myemail;
$email_subject = “Prayer requested”;
$email_body = “You have received a new prayer request. \n\n” .
“The prayer was about $issue.\n”;

$headers = “From:” . “\r\n”;
# $headers .= “Bcc: $myemail” . “\r\n”;
# $headers .= “Reply-To: $email”;
# $headers .= “X-Mailer: PHP/” . phpversion();

mail($to, $email_subject, $email_body, $headers);


I am so grateful this is so.

With joyful expectation I release this prayer into a Universal Law that works for me.
And so it is.

[insert_php] echo ”

“; // end of border [/insert_php]

There we go. Can you sense a little shift in your consciousness? This is just a quick, automated taste of the powerful spiritual practice at the heart of our community.

Want more? Below you can ask our practitioners to create a full and proper treatment for you. Our Ministry of Prayer meets every Monday, and your request will be held then in high consciousness. You can also check out our Prayer of the Week.

Tell us more:

Thanks for stopping by!