Dr. Ernest Holmes and the Birth of New Thought
At Celebration Center for Spiritual Living, we honor many of the founders of New Thought. Chief among them is Ernest Holmes.
From time to time, we are blessed to know people of apparent genius, people whose insight, understanding, and love are influential in changing the thinking of whole generations, and whose impact will be felt for years to come. Dr. Ernest Holmes was such a person.
Ernest Holmes’ teaching is a spiritual philosophy based on a positive approach to life. His teachings bring readers and followers a sense of their relationship to Spirit and their place in the Universe. The philosophy provides a positive, supportive approach to daily living.
Dr. Ernest Holmes founded the spiritual movement that became United and International Centers for Spiritual Living. Born in 1887 on a small farm in Maine, Dr. Holmes spent his teenage years outdoors exploring such mysteries as “What is God? Who am I? Why am I here?” His inquiries led to his 1926 book, The Science of Mind, which outlines the foundational viewpoints of modern New Thought. Dr. Holmes is also the author of numerous other books on metaphysics and originated the Science of Mind magazine, which has been in continuous publication since 1927.