August, 2015

Communing with Spirit

Treatment by Rev. Faith Woods, RScP

I awake this morning, grateful for the opportunity to commune with Spirit. Wondering how Spirit will surprise and delight me as it shows up in my life today.  I recognize its fullness, grandeur, creativity, love, joy and harmony. Stretching not only my body, but also my willingness to stay in the lovely, relaxing space of knowing and my connection to the All That Is, I pray.

As my connection to the Presence is fully felt, I gratefully recognize and do my part to stay in this magnificent flow of life today. I choose this for myself, so that we may all experience it more fully and completely together than ever before. I am grateful for the aspects of Life I know with my physical being and the aspects of life I experience beyond my physicality. I present Spirit with my best today and appreciate that my willingness to point to my true north is sufficient in all ways.

I know this willingness allows me to heed understandings, see beyond appearances, and truly move towards my highest good.  I am free today to explore with friends, family, practitioners and my communities, and know the blessings of the day flow to each. Right now, I accept God’s good for each of us individually and collectively. I know that as we individually thrive, our Center thrives. I know that as we move forward emboldened by Spirit, our Center becomes a magnet and beacon of love. I see our Center as welcoming, open, and providing great love for all who enter. God provides abundantly and allows good to flow.

I am grateful that as I commune with Spirit, I also commune with all who are in prayer at this moment and the truth in my heart is known beyond these words. I am grateful for a day filled with understanding, loving and being. I am grateful for a day that flows in the currents of love. I am grateful for God that provides beauty and grandeur.  I am grateful to remember all I am. I am grateful l for you.

Recognizing abundant blessings, I release this prayer into the Law with absolute assurance it is fully nurtured and ready to spring forth and provide goodness to this world.

And so it is.

Treatment for July 18, 2015

The Truth of Who I Am

Treatment by Caron Ward, RScP

Sometimes, often actually, I get caught up with the business of tasks at hand and lose focus of what we call the Truth of who I am.  I become single-focused, using a deadline as an excuse to let slip what is really important.  Yet when I pause long enough to take a breath, I realize that the frenzy is fueled by fear, anxiety, and doubt – all simply false perceptions that my human self is holding onto! So, I simply continue that pause and pray…

The Divine energy that I call G-d is flowing magnificently through and throughout all that I see, and all that I cannot see.  I know that this energy is vibrating with unimaginable creative force, even though I cannot hear it or see it.  And even so, it is with absolute certainty that I know that what is being created is perfect – it is beautiful and complete; it is the perfect expression of   G-d in the formless and in form.

So I pause and inhale, and with the intake of a breath I open to the flow of this creative energy…and as I exhale, I release the fear, the doubt, the anxiety, that is fueling my frenzied activity.  I replace the space that these invalid perceptions were occupying with this new energy, this G-d energy, that brings a calm knowing that I have all that I need to complete all that needs to be done…I have all the knowledge, all the skills, all the tools, all the right people helping, and so success is already known!  As this is true for me, I know it is true for each and every one of us… we simply need to pause and know it is true…and then go back to work, inspired and One with this Divine flow.

How wonderful this new calmness is! I am so grateful for this pause, for the faith in which I take this pause and the knowing that as this Truth is mine, it is the Truth of everyone everywhere.

And I release these words into the Law, knowing they are true…

And so it is!

With love,

Treatment for July 15, 2015