A Prayer of Appreciation

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

What you appreciate appreciates.

The idea for this treatment — and this phraseology — came to me Sunday during our “Music and Shared Wisdom” service at Celebration Center.   Have you ever thought about the word appreciate?  We say to someone, “I appreciate that.”  What are we really saying?  Think about buying land or some stock.  You buy it and it appreciates — it increases in value.  It’s more now than it was when you got it. 
So when we appreciate something someone does for us or gives us, we add value to it.  It becomes more than it was.  We bless it and we appreciate it and thus we add positive energy, the energy of gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation — and we increase the blessing.  We appreciate a nice day or good food, and we experience it even more fully, even more completely.  We have a larger experience of it.
And so, let us remember to appreciate all the good that we find, because what you appreciate appreciates.

So I offer this prayer of appreciation:

There is only One Life, One Mind, One Intelligence, in, as. through, and around all.  It is the Abundance of all that is.

That Life is my life right now.  What it is, each of us is.
I simply stop to appreciate all the blessings that are in my life and those that are coming my way.  I know that stopping to appreciate adds value to my experience, and I more fully experience the abundance of life.
I am grateful for this abundant life, for the fullest experience, for all the abundance that I experience.
In gratitude, knowing that all is well and all manner of thing shall be well, I simply let go and know that the richest and fullest is manifesting itself in every way.  It is done and done richly, now and always.
And SO it IS!
Treatment for November 10, 2015