Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP
The following lines are from a Seaside Center for Spiritual Living Daily Inspiration for November 6, 2015, by Rev. Christian Sorenson, in California.
I read this headline, “The Single Thing That Guarantees Success,”…
What is this secret? It is the attitude of gratitude, the expression of appreciation, the ability to give thanks throughout one’s day and interactions. What a novel concept . . .
Our Celebration Center Choir is singing a song this month titled, “Attitude of Gratitude”, by Marshall Stern and Richard Mekdeci, so this daily message from Rev Christian got my attention immediately. I love the song and I loved his daily message. I am so grateful for an attitude of gratitude.
I come peacefully and gratefully into my place of quiet, looking out into a beautiful dark sky that now comes so much earlier. I just accept this daily shift from light to darkness as the divine nature of my earth and solar system and all beyond. I recognize my own divinity as I feel my gratitude for the day-times and night-times of my life. I share this gratitude with all who share in these days and nights.
I allow my day-times and night-times to blend into single days which converge into beautiful weeks, becoming glorious months, that unify to become a divine year in my life and the life of all. We become One in our gratitude for these days and weeks and months and years.
I now realize that my “attitude of gratitude” transcends time, yet pervades it, and instills it with a sense of joy and love of life that comes loudly and quietly, pervasively and presently, overtly and subtly into my life and all life. We are one in our Gratitude and we accept that as an Attitude.
I find it possible to now be gratuitously grateful for my gratitude. I allow it to be and simply say “thank you” Spirit for my Attitude.
So, I now release these words into the Law of Life and Love, knowing they fly forth also into a new day. Tomorrow brings the light and bright sky that now comes a bit earlier, and allows our gratitude to become a real attitude. We let it be, gratefully.
And so it is, Amen.
Treatment for November 9, 2015