A Unity of All

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
Spring is in the air and Easter is around the corner in a few weeks! This is a special time of renewal in Nature and it can be for us as we choose to renew our faith by raising our consciousness through our intentions and daily spiritual practices. The answers are within as we connect with our divinity—the Kingdom of God within in the secret place of Most High. And, when we raise our consciousness and the energy of love, it raises the consciousness of the world and more love returns to us—the more we give, the more we receive. And so we pray…
God is the One Power, the One Presence and the One Mind, the substance of all there is and ever was and ever will be.  God is the Living Spirit Almighty in all, around all, through all and throughout all. God is the Alpha and the Omega. God is Good. And I am that I am. I am perfect, whole and complete and one of the Father and the entire Universe. I am one with the One Mind and a co-creator in my life. I am an individualized expression of the divine, made of the same substance as God and in the spiritual image and likeness of God!
And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, each and everyone is perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal. I declare each and everyone is open to receive the spirit, intelligence, love and the gifts of peace, love, joy and abundance to live a life filled with health, harmony and happiness. I know that we all look upon each and everyone and everything with love as we know the spirit of God is in everyone and everything for it is all One and all Good. I know and affirm that the consciousness of our communities and nation are raised to one of love, forgiveness, compassion, unity, faith, trust and belief, and it is good and very good. And, I know that this brings about a unity of all in the spirit of love and goodness, which already is what is.
I am so very grateful for the blessings of love, unity and wholeness that are manifested in each and everyone as we all choose to raise our consciousness by going within. I am so grateful for the Power and Presence of Love and Good that are present in everyone and everything. I am exceedingly grateful for the gifts of peace, love, joy and abundance that are already made and our acceptance as we live happy and prosperous lives in peace and harmony with our neighbor. And I release my word unto the Law where it is already known in the mind of God. I know that my word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for March 27, 2017

We Are ONE.


Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie RScP, MiT


Good evening,

A busy day for us (though not as busy as it was for the Donald) 😊

We went to our normal breakfast at our Dutch Country Market and picked up a few items from there for dinners.

Came home to watch the inauguration, and then up to see the movie “Hidden Figures”.  (I recommend it, btw)

One line that impressed me in Donald Trump’s speech was “We must think Big and Dream Bigger” And another line, this from Hidden Figures at the end, when the Main character, Katherine, was talking with her Boss asking about the possibility of the Moon shot, she responded with “We’re already there, sir”

So I write now a prayer.

In God are all possibilities.  As I know that there is only one, one mind, one experience, one joy.  And since there is only one, I know that this one is in, through, and around me and all that I know and experience.  I am blessing the progress we have made in our relations to each other, our future and our past.   Knowing that what we as a country, as a world and as a congregation, have in front of us is so much grander than what has been,  I am knowing that with God’s guidance and that  with God’s strength, that we can and will be all that we are to be.  I know that there is a source of joy and peace, that is made manifest every day. I do give thanks for this knowing, and the truth of my words. I release my words to the law of life, knowing that it is true, and is made manifest.  AND SO IT IS…

With Joy and love

Treatment for January 20, 2017

At Choice

Treatment by Rev. Faith Woods, RScP

Today is my day! (OK – Every day is my day!  And I hope you feel it is your day too!)     Today is my day to hold Celebration Center for Spiritual Living in prayer. And I have. Through this day I have kept you in my heart as I have felt the high energy of Life moving throughout my day.  I have felt this as I did tasks for our Center and in my own home.  I keep breathing and remembering and praying.  This day is here just for me and just for you.  This moment when we acknowledge one another is purely ours.  We become One energy.

There is only One absolute, without beginning, without ending, reaching into the depths and heights and widths and breadths of all we can imagine – and in-between and beyond.  Love, Light, Pure Truth and Knowingness are all attributes of Spirit.

I recognize my connection…to the All that Is, To the Fullness of Love.   And – as I know that the totality of All that is, is beyond my grasp – still I know a bit of It.  I experience It as I am aware and I trust.  I believe I am invited to use this power of good.  I know this experience of connection and more is here for each and every person reading this prayer.  I know that each is part of this Divine energy.

I realize that each of us is at choice.  I know I am at choice in my mind, in my home, at my Center and in the World.  Words that I agree with and words that I question are all good for me to learn and discern.  Wow – how exciting!  I ask:  What do you have to teach me today?  What can I learn from you today?  And I am at choice to be in agreement or not.  I know that each individual is not bound by his or her precedent, and free to move and shift and change and grow when ready and willing to see more.

I am grateful that my mind is free and that I can choose my focus.  I am grateful for this prayer pouring forth before the clock strikes midnight!  I am grateful for you.  I am grateful for our lives here on this planet at this time, knowing we are each serving our unique purpose.  And I am grateful for Life Itself.  I am grateful that we support one another in knowing all good for one another.

What a joy to speak and just be.  What a joy to know that doing is a choice and is an option available to us.  What a joy to know that we are each free to choose how we express our love in the world.

Releasing in Joy.

And so it is.  Amen (and a little woman*)

Treatment for January 18, 2017


Hidden Figures – The Power of Dreams and Visions

Suzanne and I saw Hidden Figures recently.  It’s an excellent, well-crafted movie about the successes of three black women in the pre-integration South.  The all-star cast includes Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner, and Kirsten Dunst.

Hidden Figures is based on the true stories of Katherine Goble, later Katherine G. Johnson (Henson), Mary Jackson (Monae), and Dorothy Vaughn (Spencer), who were instrumental in the early days of the space program.  When we meet them, they are driving to work at NASA Langley in the Norfolk area, in 1961.  Their car breaks down and a policeman comes by.  Eventually, they manage to get the car fixed and be on their way.

The women are working in the “colored” computing section in the East building on the Langley campus.  They aspire to bigger and better.  Dorothy is the supervisor, but does not have a supervisor’s title or pay.  Instead, that title belongs to Vivian Mitchell, a white woman (Dunst.)

We watch the three women as they move in their careers.  Katherine is assigned to an all-white, all-male computing unit where she is supposed to be checking the other employees’ calculations.  Instead, she figures out the launch angles needed to ensure John Glenn (well played by Glen Powell) gets in orbit and home again – especially when his mission has to be cut short.  In a meeting, Glenn specifically requests her to check calculations.  Mary goes to court to get permission to take engineering classes at an all-white school.  Gloria borrows a FORTRAN book (“FORTRAN is the wave of the future”)  from the “white” section of the library and reads it, then winds up working on programming the new IBM mainframe computer.

At one point, Katherine’s boss, Al (Costner), tells her that there is more to going to the Moon than simply mathematics.  You have to believe it.  Later, he asks her why she disappears a couple of times a day for 40 minutes at a time.  Katherine explains that she has to run all the way across the campus back to the East building because that’s where the “colored” bathrooms are.  Al takes down the “white” and “colored” sign and announces that “we all pee the same color.”  At the sloe of the movie, after Katherine’s calculations bring Glenn safely home, Al asks her “Katherine, do you think we can get to the Moon?”  She responds, “We’re already there, Sir.”

The real Katherine Johnson is still alive, 98 years old.  Today, there is a Katherine G. Johnson Building at NASA Langley.

There are a number of metaphysical themes in this movie.  Obviously, unity is a theme in the removal of the color distinctions for the bathrooms.  (History records that the cafeteria remained segregated for a while.)  Reaching for a dream is central to New Thought.  As Oscar Hammerstein asked, “If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”

All three women are doing that.  Mary’s dream is to be an engineer.  Gloria learns programming and becomes essential to the operations there, with several people working under her, including her former supervisor.  And of course, Katherine’s exchange with Al at the very end of the movie shows the power of having a vision.  “We’re already there.”

This is a well done movie that won several Golden Globe awards and is nominated for a number of Oscars, including Best Picture.  It’s inspiring and well done.  I think you’ll enjoy it.  This is definitely a movie worth seeing.

The Divine Life is Flowing

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP & MIT


My first prayer day of the New Year, and I didn’t get to it until it was almost over.

Change is in the air.  We have a new president coming in a few days.  Tonight I had the first session of my online class. We travel again this weekend.  Much is happening.  The Divine Life is flowing.

And so we pray:

There is only One Life.  it is All in All.

That Life, in, as, through, and around all, is Energy in all its forms.  We move in it, as it moves through us.  All that It is, we are.

I know that that movement fills my life with joy, peace, abundance, health, and so much more.

I am thankful for all the exciting new things unfolding in my life, and for the blessings that are ongoing.

And I know that it is done here and now.

And SO it IS!


Treasure Mapping in Life


Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


Treasure Mapping in Life

I leaf through the pages of divine possibility recognizing one thing after another that spark my attention.

I clip them out and bring them into my own consciousness, arranging them with one another on the treasure map of my life.  They unify with me as I paste them into a montage of my life.

I stand back and view the final montage, realizing its power to inspire and guide me in the coming year.

I am so grateful for the way they flow together to lead me forward this year.

I now release this new page of life onto the wall of my den to be my guide all year.

And so it is.  Amen.

Treatment for January 9, 2017


The Truth that Sets Us Free

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
 Winter has just officially begun and we just celebrated Christmas as we get ready to welcome a New Year. In the midst of this special and festive time of the year, it is also important to remember the significance. Christmas is a time for the rebirth of the Christ within. Every day is a day for rebirth through daily spiritual practices, and during this time, we should make special effort for rebirth for the upcoming year. This means knowing and living the Truth that sets you free. And so we pray….
God is the only Power, Presence and Mind! God is the Alpha and the Omega, the entire Universe. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipotent—the Creator and the Creation. And I am that I am! I am one with the Power and Presence. I live, move and have my being in Pure Spirit—God; I am divine.
And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, each and everyone is perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal. I declare that each and everyone knows the Truth of their being and accepts their divinity. It is in this knowledge that we seek first the Kingdom of God. As we do this, we love God and ourselves first and our neighbors as ourselves. It is in this realization and knowledge of the Truth that we are set free to live the life we are led to live through Divine Guidance.
I am so very grateful for the Light and Truth that shines brightly from within everyone. I am so grateful for the Truth that sets us free as each and everyone is the activity of God as love in the world and the rebirth that occurs in each and everyone especially at this time of the year!  And I release my word unto the Law where it is already known in the mind of God. I know that my word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for December 27, 2016

Life is an Adventure


Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP, MiT

Good Evening

Another trip around the sun completed, another beginning.  Traveling can be hard work. 😊

As I begin my journey I find it is always  a good Idea to start by prayer.

I sit knowing that there is only one, one precious life, one loving comforter.  I am one with this, and all that I know is an outpouring of this one.  I know that life is having an adventure through me.  I know that life is having an adventure with and through all of us.  It is an adventure of love, an adventure of knowing and joy, assisted by wisdom.  I court all of these as a lover courts the beloved.  I know that we are all walking the path of loving courtship to the beloved with joy in our steps. As in the last line in the last song of Les Miserables, “To love another person is to see the face of God.”  May I see the face of God in all that I see.  My heart is filled with love and joy, as I knowingly give thanks, and release this prayer to the power of the love in me and as me.

Happy  to be me

Treatment for December 20, 2016