Creative Suffering

A talk by Rev. Jim Lockard on the creative opportunities for transforming suffering. Given at one of our sister centers.

An Earth Day Prayer

Treatment by  Tammi McKinley, RScP

        What a blessed day!  I am so grateful and lucky to be able to write a treatment for today, which is also Earth Day. How wonderful!
        I know that God is all there is. Every last bit is God stuff. God expresses in so many ways. Today, I take notice of God expressing as the warm temperatures, tulips, flowering trees, and the impact that has on each of us. In this and so much more, God is all there is.
       I know that I am one with and inseparable from the Divine. I know this is true of each one of us in our center and each being throughout the world. I know that each one expresses as God in all ways, in every single God quality there is that cannot be limited by naming them.
       I speak my word that God is Peace and Beauty. God is that perfect light within each of us, expressing so clearly in whatever way God needs to express. And in those moments when it looks otherwise, God is there. There is nowhere that God is not. And I am so grateful for that.
       I give thanks for this knowing, this ever present God.
       I release my word into the Law where it is already known in the One Mind. It is already acted upon and cannot return to me void. I let it go. I let it be.
       And so it is.
Treatment for April 22, 2016

For Total General Well Being


Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP


Having spent most of the day in bed, nursing both an upset stomach and a sinus headache, I am late to writing this prayer, for total general well being.

There is only one life, that is the life of God. That life is always full, and healthy.
It is with that life of God, that I know, and am totally one with. All of my being, is the total health of God. All of my life is the total life of God. As I know this for myself, I know this for all those who are reading this treatment. I relax in the knowledge that I am totally well, and that my body is healed and is gracefully, joyfully recovering. I give thanks for this knowing, and for the well being that I now experience. I give thanks for this as I know that the law of life is active on my knowing. And so it is.

Treatment for April 20, 2016

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory – the Power of Pure Imagination

One of our favorite movies is coming back to theatres. To celebrate this year’s 100th anniversary of the birth of author Roald Dahl, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory will be shown in movie theatres on Sunday, June 26, at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM, and again on Wednesday, June 29 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. It includes specially produced commentary by Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz. The showing is distributed by Fathom Events.

The movie is based on Dahl’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It concerns Charlie Bucket, a poor boy who lives with his parents and his bedridden grandparents. He hears about a promotion at the Willy Wonka chocolate factory: five Wonka bars in the world will include golden tickets, entitling the holder to a tour of the factory and a lifetime supply of chocolate.

Four tickets are found, and then a fifth one is reported to be found in Paraguay. Charlie is disappointed. But the fifth ticket turns out to be a forgery.

One day, Charlie finds some money on his way home from school. He buys a Wonka bar and another for his Grandpa Joe. One of them has a golden ticket! He and a family member are going to get to tour the Wonka chocolate factory! The golden ticket causes Grandpa Joe to rise from his bed and walk. He is going to accompany Charlie on the tour.

The song that he sings, “Golden Ticket” (part of a brilliant score by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse), is a wonderful prosperity song.

He sings:

I never dreamed that I would climb over the moon in ecstasy
But nevertheless, it’s there that I’m shortly about to be
‘Cause I’ve got a golden ticket
I’ve got a golden chance to make my way
And with a golden ticket, it’s a golden day

Grandpa Joe and Charlie join the other families on the tour. Each family has been approached by Wonka’s archrival, Mr. Slugworth, asking them to give him the secret of Wonka’s newest creation, the Everlasting Gobstopper.

During the tour, various children meet various unusual fates. Notably, watch the humorous but pointed exit of the spoiled Veruca Salt who sings the song “I Want It Now!” The lines, “Don’t care how/I want it now” sum up her attitude.

Two other songs are notable from a metaphysical point of view: the well-known “Candy Man” and the theme song of the movie, “Pure Imagination” (which has been covered by singers such as Jackie Evancho, the “Glee” cast, and others).

Early on in the movie, Bill, the candy store owner, sings “Candy Man” as kids are buying Wonka bars. He sings:

Who can take a sunrise, Sprinkle it with dew
Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?
The candy man, The candy man can
The candy man can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good.

The song ends with this line:

And the world tastes good cause the candy man thinks it should.

“Pure Imagination” is the song Wonka sings as the tour of his chocolate factory is beginning. It is his introduction to the tour, inviting the children and their chaperones into his world. According to Wonka,

If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanna change the world?
There’s nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare with Pure Imagination
Living there, You’ll be free
If you truly wish to be

What is the takeaway from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, other than a very good time?

First, the power of pure imagination. Wonka’s world is filled with miraculous things like a chocolate river. Miracles are all around. Do we notice? Imagination can help us see the miraculous and bring it forth. It is the thing that truly brings us freedom. But we have to let it flow. It takes what Walt Disney used to call “Imagineering”. Perhaps it can even cause the bedridden to “take up his bed and walk.” Do we believe it?

Second, we see the power of putting energy into what we want. Charlie is determined to get a golden ticket and he gets one, simply (it seems) on the power of knowing that he will. This is what we do in spiritual mind treatment. We state our desired effect or state of being with energy and allow God to work as and through us to achieve what we focus on. We see what happens when we insist on having it right away. God works in God’s time, and that isn’t always the time frame that we have in mind. But if we know that it is done, if we let God do it, what is ours comes to us. If not, well, hopefully we don’t end up like Veruca Salt.

Finally, Willy Wonka reminds us, as Fathom’s promotional page says, of “the sweetest secret of all: a generous, loving heart.”

This is a must-see movie. It’s a lot of fun, and it will open your heart and inspire you to see the miracles and prosperity all around you – a very worthy way to enjoy a couple of hours. And you’ll likely head home singing.

In Appreciation, We Accept Our Good Through Prayer


Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

Wait a minute — isn’t it supposed to be spring?

We woke up this morning and I needed to wear my parka to church.  By the time we headed into the District for lunch, it had gotten a tad warmer, but it was warmer a month ago than it is today!

We saw old friends today, which was nice.  Tomorrow we’re having an installation to speed up our Internet.  Tomorrow night, there is a special event we’re going to see at the movies.  We were blessed with an outstanding service today at Celebration Center.
We enjoyed fellowship, service, and fun.
And so in appreciation, we accept our good through prayer.
There is only One Life.  That Life is perfect.  It is in, as, through, throughout, and around all.   It is my life and the life of all.  
As the expression of the One, the words I speak and write are the words of God, through me.  The love, peace, joy, harmony, and abundance that God is, God is as each of us.  And so it is us.  
I say yes to that  love, peace, joy, harmony, and abundance, expressing more fully in my life every day.  I simply claim all the good that is mine.  I step into new opportunities, new adventures, new ways of being in service to Spirit and to the world.

I am thankful for the opportunity to say yes to this amazing good.   I give thanks for all the great things that are showing up in my life, and I say yes to their continued expansion.

And so, in deep gratitude, knowing that all is well, I simply accept, let go, and know that it is done, right now and always.

And SO it IS!
Treatment for April 10, 2016

World Ministry of Prayer – “Now is the Appointed Time”

I have been sitting with this, waiting for the right time and listening for what the message was that wanted to be expressed, regarding the events that have been going on over the last week. I had to sit and process through the pain, the anger and most of all the disappointment. The waiting is over, the fog has lifted, and now is the time for me to speak. I must say I find it interesting that these recent events have occurred during the week that the nation celebrated 4th of July, Independence Day. Oh yes, now is the appointed time.
I can only express from who I Am, a Black Man, living in America, serving Centers for Spiritual Living as the Manager for World Ministry of Prayer. Yes, now is the appointed time for me to use this platform for something other than announcing upcoming trainings or events. Thank you Rev. Carolyn Douglas. I heard you.
Let us not be fooled, we are at war here folks. As evidenced by the events in Dallas, Texas. And let us be clear here, this is a not a battle between white and black or good and evil. It is a battle of consciousness. And this battle is an internal one. Internal to the nation. Internal to ourselves. The phrase jihad was initially longer. It was jihad al nufs, meaning battle of the soul. Yes, this is an inside job.
I know that as Practitioners of Religious Science, which include licensed Practitioners, Ministers and all those who practice the Principles of Science of Mind, some of us may try to fool ourselves by saying that “it is all good” and that “there is nothing to be healed, only truth to be revealed.” However, the truth is, beloveds, there is much to be healed. You see, in order for the Truth to be revealed, we have to heal the blocks, whatever they may be, that would act to block the divine revelation of Spirit from being brought to light.
This sickness of racism against people of color has been plaguing this great nation of ours for close to four hundred years. Yes, four hundred years. No, this sickness, this disease is not new. With the technology of today, the effects of this sickness have been boldly put in our faces like no other time in history. And truthfully speaking, this is a good thing. This a good thing because we need to see the condition of this body we call America. We need to see where we are called to do our work. We need see that putting our heads in the sands of spiritual bypass no longer serves us, or the greater good of humanity.
If there has ever been a call to prayer, this is it. And now is the appointed time to answer that call. I am not saying that we just get together and pray in our communities. This is indeed greatly needed and highly encouraged. However, we have to go deeper, we have to go beyond that. We are called to go deeper in our prayer work for ourselves. We are called to treat ourselves to uncover any and all discord within ourselves. We are called to pray for the courage to look at ourselves and heal whatever needs to be healed. Then after that, we are called to be the healing presence of the Divine wherever we go, and to be that healing presence in the ways that only we can on an individual basis. As Dr. Kenn stated, this is a call to act. It is written that faith without works is dead.
Dr. Holmes taught that we are to treat then move our feet. My beloved friends and colleagues, now is the time to get busy. Now is the time to put aside, for good, all of our petty gripes about how the organization is run or not run. Now is the time to stand together as a united front, as Centers for Spiritual Living, proclaiming that we are here for Love. That we are here for Peace. That we are here for God.
Now is the appointed time to have dialogue for the purpose of seeing the differences in people. Then to accept and celebrate those differences without judgment or agenda. Now is the time to ask ourselves; how may I serve today sweet Spirit. Now is the time to take a bold stand for what is right. Not just for one race of people but for all the races that make up this divine family called the human race.
To repeat what Dr. Kenn stated: If you or anyone in your community needs prayer, please seek out a CSL Center, a Practitioner or contact the CSL World Ministry of Prayer: You can also send email prayer request to: [email protected].
If you would like to learn more about how you and your community can be part of the solution to racism, please contact the diversity commission for a training in your center.
Do whatever works for you,, and do it today.  Your consciousness is needed.
My beloved friends and colleagues, now is the appointed time and we are the ones appointed to make the change. Join me and thousands of others in knowing the Truth. In spite of the appearances, there’s a healing going on, and it is going on right here and right now.
I am grateful for a time such as this. I am grateful because we get to practice what we say we teach.
And always remember; Life is Precious, handle with prayer.
Peace and Abundant Blessings,

Message from Dr. Kenn Gordon – Let Us Raise Our Consciousness and End This Senseless Violence

A Letter from Dr. Kenn:

Let Us Raise Our Consciousness and End This Senseless Violence

Our hearts are broken open once again by senseless violence and unjustifiable use of force against African Americans in the United States. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are the latest names added to a list that is far too long.  Like many, I am tempted to decry a growing epidemic, but in truth this violence is not new.  What is new is social media and cell phone cameras that have raised the level of general public awareness of a persistent issue. And let us be clear about what the issue is; this is not a policing issue, nor is it not a gun issue.  This is a consciousness issue.  Our modern technology is giving us a gift.  The gift to see what is really going on.  Our social media reveals that which has always been true – that we are all connected.  To quote Mother Teresa “we belong to each other.”  Through this connection we see the devastating pain and discomfort that comes when we engage in behavior that breaks the bond of that inherent spiritual connection.  We must be willing to be uncomfortable and stay uncomfortable.  What do we do as we sit in this discomfort once again?

Of course we pray.  We pray not to take the pain away, but to enter into it and ask it to speak to us.  It is time to come together to feel our collective pain so that we may reestablish our sacred covenant of belonging to one another.  Once established in this bond we must act in accordance with it.  This not just a call to prayer, this is a call to act.  To act in affirmation of our sacred connection with the One Life of all.  This is a time to affirm that all life is sacred.  That #BlackLivesMatter and to do what is ours to do in helping create a world that works for everyone.

I encourage you to take time to pray and I encourage you to take time to discern what you can do to add to the awakening of humanity to its spiritual magnificence.  There are many resources online to better educate ourselves of racism, white privilege and social action.  We all can do something, read a book, take a class, join a movement….and we must.    There are no quick and easy answers, there is only the measure of our willingness to create change.

If you or anyone in your community needs prayer, please seek out a CSL Center, a Practitioner or contact the CSL World Ministry of Prayer:

If you would like to learn more about how you and your community can be part of the solution to racism, please contact the diversity commission for a training in your center.

Advice for White Folks in the Wake of the Police Murder of a Black Person

And for immediate possible action.

Peace and Blessings,

Dr. Kenn Gordon, Spiritual Leader

Our Own Mystery


Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


All my adult life I have been saying, “I will always tell the truth as I see it, and I always reserve the right to change my mind 180 degrees at any time.”  Now, I just finished reading for the 3rd time an article titled, “When Ernest Holmes was Wrong” by Harv Bishop, from, which was sent out on our CSL Practitioner email list. The article talked about how Ernest “evolved” in his thinking over time.  Ahhhhhh!  Don’t we all!  And, whenever someone tells me someone else was “wrong”, I have always looked for a key word in the statement being claimed as wrong, and said, “Well, it all depends on what he means by that key word.”

Now, in Science of Mind, we teach that we are all God.  So, I am a manifestation of God here in the material world.  So, God always tells the truth as he or she sees it, and I know God always reserves the right to change His or Her mind here on Earth at any time.  And, anytime God questions anything I declare, He or She first asks, “Well, what do you mean by my key word?


So, I open myself to seeing and recognizing the Mystery that I call God, or Spirit.  I am part of that Mystery along with all the other beings with whom I share life, including plants, and other animals, and people, and even rocks and sand.

As I become One with that Mystery, I know that I can “know it all” or “know nothing” at any moment.  I have the divine power to simply switch from one to the other, “knowing it all or nothing”.  I allow “all” and “nothing” to become One in my Mind.

I realize we all have the power to change, to evolve, to grow, by being wrong and then right, by being able to ask, “well, what does he mean by ‘Mystery’ and then adding our own definition of “Mystery” as we think about what is said here.  Each of us is our own Mystery, our own Spirit, our own God.  And I hear myself being asked, “Well, what do you mean by ‘Mystery or Spirit or God”?  By “Mystery” I mean “Spirit”, by “Spirit” I mean “God”, by “God” I mean “Mystery”.  For me, they are really All One.

So, gratefully I accept my need to agree or disagree with things that are said or thought about in this life.  Right now I thankfully accept my urge to ask, “Well what do you mean by ‘Spirit’, when I think about it.  I am just thankful for my power to think and ask and agree and disagree and be right or wrong.  And, in many ways, I give thanks for my ability to not understand everything around me and just let it be.

So, I release that urge to understand, and I accept the Mystery for just what that word means at any moment.  It is my place of peace to just be in the Mystery and to be the Mystery.  So, I release these words into the Mystery from which they came, knowing I am complete in the Mystery of Being.  And so it is, or isn’t.

Treatment for April 9, 2016



Easter is Here—Hallelujah!

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
Easter is here—Hallelujah, as traditionally we acknowledge ‘Christ is risen.’ Jesus was the divine example for the Christ to rise in all of us. We do this through spiritual practices by going within to recognize and know the Truth that sets us free. There is only one Power and one Presence and One Mind, and we are a part of It. There is one Power in the Universe and we can use it because we are of It and we are divine. Easter is a time of recognition of resurrection which is rebirth in the Truth so that we can live fulfilled lives because the gift is already made—it is God’s great pleasure to give us the Kingdom; the Kingdom is within—and all we need to do is to accept the gift. And so we pray…. 
God is the Power and the Presence, All Good, Pure Love—the Living Spirit Almighty: in all, over all, around all, through all, as all!  God is the entire Universe—the Creator and the Creation, all Life and everything there is. God is the indescribable Infinite—the Alpha and the Omega.  God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and I am that I am. I am one of the Father and the Creator. I am perfect, whole and complete, created in the spiritual image and likeness of God. I live, move and have my being in pure Spirit.
Just as I am perfect, whole and complete, I know that each and everyone is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Eternal and Immortal. I declare that each and everyone is open and receives and recognizes the Truth that sets us free. I know that Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Gratitude and Forgiveness multiply in our lives as we accept the gift that we receive with open arms in gratitude and Faith. I declare that as we go within that the Peace that passes all understanding envelops us as Love emanates from us while the abundance of good flows to us. We are divinely guided, directed, led and protected as the activity of God as Love and Joy in the world. We are a blessing to ourselves and to everyone we come into contact with us as the Truth sets us free! And we are grateful!
I am so very grateful for Easter and the reminder to be reborn in the Truth that sets us free. I am so exceedingly grateful for the gift that has been made and the blessings of peace, love, joy, health, harmony, happiness, and abundance that are available and manifest in the lives of all through faith. I am so very grateful for the Life, Truth, Beauty, Divinity and Reality that are always present in our lives.
And I release my Word unto the Law where it is already known to the Mind of God. I declare that my Word shall not return unto me void. I give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for March 27, 2016