Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP
As I age and my mind slows down, it seems life speeds up. To squeeze it all in, I need to keep it all short, brief. As I wrote in my journal today, “busyness” and “brevity” seemed to jump out at me. So, I now just play with them in prayer.
When God is me, God is busy. When I am God, I am still.
When God is me, God is brief. When I am God, I am eternal.
Together we celebrate the busyness and the brevity all around us.
Together we celebrate the stillness eternally as One.
I realize busyness and brevity work as one in my life.
God realizes stillness and eternity as One in all life.
I thank God for the eternal stillness I can know in my God-life.
God thanks me for the brief busyness God can know as my life.
I release my busyness into the stillness.
God releases brevity into the Eternal.
We are One.
Treatment for September 9, 2015