God in Action

Treatment by Rev Faith Woods, RScP


I invite you to smile, breathe and bring your awareness to the Love of God and the Power of Spirit.  Focus your total awareness on this present moment, letting go of any action items other than being fully present here and now.


There is only one power.  It is present here now and is always totally present.  I can pretend there is something missing or wrong, yet God can never be gone or wrong, for God is the creator of all, the connector of all and the consciousness of all.


I am, always have been and always will be God in action.  All parts of me are connected to this Presence.  Truth for me is Truth for you.  You are, always have been and always will be God in action.  Truth for you and I is Truth for all.  We are, always have been and always will be God in action.


I expand my awareness of God’s Love and celebrate the truth of my being.  I see us overcoming any block and releasing any resistance as we expand our individual and collective understanding of Love in action. Today as I bear witness to each person in my life, I take stock of any judgment, any blame or any pettiness I have in my little mind.  Then I shift to a bigger picture of seeing God at work in my Life and all lives.   I emblazon in my mind that Love is active in everyone, everything, and is everywhere at all times. I accept my work today as opening all my senses to Love,  pausing to sense and feel God’s Presence right where I am and allow It to shine through me.

I celebrate all the good that comes forth today and give gratitude for all blessings. I give thanks for what God is calling  forth from us and know that this blesses the world.


I now speak a word of Love, Peace and Well-being as we release this prayer to the great law of the universe.  And so it is.


May the grace of God go before us.

Blessings and Amen


Treatment for December 19, 2016