Going with the Flow, Moment by Moment

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP
Prelude  (written yesterday)
Wow, what a day, perfect weather with blue sky and temperature in the low 70s.  A follow-up appointment with an ear doctor to confirm that my infection is totally gone and a good work out at the gym.  Now it is simply time to treat. 
I recognize Divinity right now, this moment, as I look at the blue sky through the blinds of my window, with memories of sitting on our deck just a few minutes ago watching the sun begin to think about setting.  I know God, Spirit, is here in all of this, moment by moment.  I feel divine myself.  
I accept the glory of this moment and this day of moments knowing that I am part of all of this around me, and inside me, as I sit and soar into the space of God.  I become One with all of it and I know everyone who reads this will be with me in their own Divine space.  We are all part of this world of God.
So, as I move on into this evening and the coming day, I accept the glory of each moment.  The weather may change, the events evolve, our lives move on and we accept the flow of life all around us.  We simply go with that flow, moment by moment.  We each have the power to simply realize the reality of it All in our own lives, and the reality of our own lives in it All.
I am so grateful for the Peace of this moment and I know you all can simply join me in the place of thanksgiving.  We are so grateful for this beautiful life as it is right now and for the power of these words to inspire even more beauty, moment by moment, as we release them into the Law of the Glory of Life.  I expect we will all see the beauty of each moment, just One-at-a-Time.  
So, we release all thought of what is past and what is next and just float forward, moment by moment, feeling the peace of each instant of time.  
And so it is, Amen.
Treatment for June 9, 2017