Happy Birthday – Grateful for Another Year

Treatment by Tammi L. McKinley, RScP



Today is my birthday! It’s been full with so much love. I am so grateful for this day! And so I pray.


I know that there is only one God. I know this to be Spirit. Truth. Love. Universe.

I know that I am one with the Divine. I am that perfect being expressing as the Divine. As I know this of myself, I also know that each one everywhere is a perfect expression of the Divine. We are all of the One.

And I know that feeling of gratitude for being able to wake up this morning and know that I have made it through another year and that I get an entire other year to express even more fully. Each day that we are awake, we get to choose how we express. I choose gratitude. I choose expressing in all of the ways that God seeks to express. And I know this to be true of everyone, everywhere. It is our Divine Right.

And so I just bubble over in delight in being grateful. I give much thanks for this knowing. I give thanks for awakening to my Truth today.

And I release my word into the Law, where it is already known and is expressing as the One. I let go. I let it be.

And so it is.

Treatment for October 22, 2014