It’s plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be God’s glow.
A few months ago, our center’s Celebration Choir did a “Metaphysical Pops” concert. It went over very well. One of the songs we did was “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson, from which the above is taken. As rehearsals proceeded, I was struck by these lines, and they still pop into my head every now and then.
What does it mean to “be God’s glow”? Well, we are all being It at all times, but we often fail to recognize and live up to it. If God is All, then we cannot be anything but the glow of God. But to really be it, we have to choose it. This means living in accord with our highest and best nature and recognizing that this world is heavenly.
Rickie Byars Beckwith has a song called “I’m Choosing Heaven Today” which can help us find the path to that recognition. When we choose to live in Heaven, we have a heavenly world, a world that works. As Richard Bach tells us in Jonathan Livingston Seagull, “Heaven is not a place or a time; Heaven is being perfect.” And Jesus tells us, “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
What does it mean to be perfect? Obviously, we all make errors. But when we express our highest and best to the fullest extent that we can, we come as near perfection as this world offers. We choose Heaven; we see that this world is Heavenly.
To live in a heavenly world, we must “be God’s glow”. We must shine that light that is ours to shine, that gift that is ours to give. We must be who we want those in our world to be. But when we try to change the world, we often fail miserably. Remember the old story:
A man tried to change the world. He was unsuccessful.
So he tried to change his country. He was unsuccessful.
So he tried to change his community. He was unsuccessful.
So he tried to change his street. Again, he was unsuccessful.
So he tried to change his family. Still, he was unsuccessful.
So he tried to change himself — and he was successful.
And that changed his family.
And his family changed the street.
And the street changed the community.
And the community changed the country.
And the country changed the world.
It is when we shine God’s glow in our own lives that we change our lives and those around us, and that changes the world. And that’s how we get to Heaven.
So be God’s glow. Every moment. Every day.