One Power

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

We had an interesting day yesterday.  Despite being October, it was HOT in this house.  Then in the evening the power went out.  (Does anyone know who won Jeopardy!?)  
This evening, we’re going out to dinner.
So I focus on power and abundance.  
Daniel Nahmod has a wonderful song called “One Power”.  Most of us know it.  It’s useful when there is no power in your house to remember that the One Power is always there.  And it’s good to receive a new card in the mail and be reminded of the abundance of that One Power filling our lives.
No matter what, Life takes care of Itself.
And so we pray.
I know that there is only One Power, only One Life, only One Presence.  It is good, it is perfect, it is abundant, it is All, and it is my life right now.
I know that that Power protects, enfolds, and empowers my life.  That Abundance fills my life.  
I remember that the Universe is programmed for abundance — so whatever I focus on, I get an abundance of it.  What we focus on expands.  So when it’s completely dark, when the “power is out”, I light a candle and remember to focus with gratitude on the blessings.  
I am grateful for this focus and this understanding.  I am thankful for the abundance of the universe.
And I let go, knowing that the One Power protects and delivers unfailingly, so everything that blesses and expands my life is manifest now and always.
And SO it IS!
Treatment for October 10, 2015