Our Many Gifts


Treatment by Caron Ward, RScP

This time of year many of us are thinking of gifts – of gifts to buy, gifts to receive – and may lose focus on the many gifts that are already present. So today I am grateful for the gifts that are eternally ours, that never wear out and can never be discarded.

I am grateful for the Presence of the One loving, caring, compassionate Spirit that I call G-d.  I am grateful for the power of this magnificent creative energy that allows an infinite amount of joy, peace, harmony, and well-being to show up in our lives.  I am grateful for the gift of G-d as the divine presence within each and every person, action, or situation.

In this time of shortening days, I know that the light of G-d, the Grace light, shines brilliantly in each of us.  Just as the individual colored bulbs strung among the neighboring houses all combine to light up the night, each one of us shines our own unique light and the joining together of this light creates a greater brilliance that eliminates more and more of what we see as darkness in the world.

I am grateful for this light of G-d shining forth from each of us.  I am grateful for the unlimited possibilities for shining this light even brighter.  It is with this unlimited gratitude that I write these words, recognizing the gifts of each of those who are reading this right now…knowing that the One is infinitely present within you as you shine, sparkle, twinkle, laugh, love, leap!  Your light cannot help but be put forth into the world…the world deserves your light!

And so I release these words into Law, with gratitude and certainty that they are true.

And so it is!

Happy Holidays!

Treatment for December 15, 2015