Power of Agreement


Treatment by Caron Ward, RScP

I have been thinking about the power of agreement….when everyone is in perfect alignment behind an idea or an action, a movement occurs…things cannot help but shift … Imagine how it would be if everyone in the world was in agreement with the idea of living in peace and harmony with one another, and acted in that way?  If everyone was in agreement with ‘live and let live’ accepting, even loving, the differences in one another?…If everyone recognized the Divinity in one another and agreed to act in expression of their own Divinity?   If everyone was in agreement in practicing this way of being in their own lives….ahhhhh what a powerful shift that would be!

It is with this thought; this feeling; this imagining; that I sit… quietly, opening to the Presence that I know is the One, the One that I call G-d.  I need not imagine this Presence, for I know that it IS, and I AM One with this Presence…it is the Love, the Peace, the Harmony, the Divinity that already exists in all that is.

I know that I am the expression of all of these qualities.

I know that everyone, everywhere, is One with this Presence; that these qualities are at the very core, the very being of all that exists – all that came before, all that is now, and all that is yet to come.

It is in this Oneness that there is singularity of being, of action, perfect congruence of thought and deed… and so it is that the shift occurs… the movement toward ever greater good in the lives of everyone, every being, everywhere.

It is with a joyful sense of gratitude that I say YES to this agreement, to be One, to express as all of these qualities in all aspects of my life…and to see these qualities in each individual that shows up in my life…and as I say YES, I am thankful for the knowing that as I put these words into the law, they are so….

And so it is.

Treatment for August 15, 2015