weather prayer

The Joy of Cold Weather

Treatment by Frank Mastoris
Today I am spending time with my father in Ohio.  It’s was 20 in DC and -6 here in Ohio. Everyone around me is complaining. The schools and many churches and some government offices were closed today. I find myself enjoying the cold (which is rare for me). So today I pray.
There is only one life.  That life is God’s life in its multitude of expressions. It’s God’s life in the heat. It’s God’s life in the cold.  It’s all God’s Life.
I know that I am one with this thing called God in its many expressions. I am one with it and expressive of it.  Today, I express joy.
I know for us as the Celebration Center that we express joy. The joy of the warmth of our homes.  The joy of the cold weather. The joy of community. I know for us from that joy comes laughter, love, passion and creativity.  For we are all that God is. I know for the Celebration Center that our life expresses divine perfection.
I give thanks for the joy, laughter, love, passion and creativity that we are.  I give thanks for all that we are.
I release this to the law knowing it is done in mind and form.  And so it is.
January 8, 2014