To register: celebrationcenter.breezechms.com/form/ffb0af2077
This course might be called a New Light, as it is the best of Ernest Holmes’ written work is laid out for sampling, displaying his wisdom as it broadened and deepened over his long writing life. Students gain a holistic awareness of Ernest’s thoughts and come to see that many of their modern, topical questions about applying the Science of Mind were addressed by our founder himself at one time or another. Students develop a deeper sense than ever before of the continuity of thought that made Science of Mind what it is today and gain more useful insights for drawing upon it in everyday life.
This course is one of the required courses to become a practitioner and satisfies the requirement for certification through Centers for Spiritual Living.
Class Fee: $170
Required Book: The Essential Ernest Holmes by Jesse Jennings
Suggested Book: The Science of Mind Textbook by Ernest Holmes