Prayer by Peter Fitzner, RScP
As I consider today the meaning of faith, I am reminded of an earlier time in my life when I needed objective proof in order to believe in something. I now know that I was limited by that belief. I now know that there is a first cause in the universe, a force back of all that creates all. And, I know that I am a part of that. How do I know? I know because I have faith — a belief in something that is beyond what I can experience with just my five senses. Oh, and in my experience of faith, I daily see the proof that I once required. Proof that there is One Power that is all that there is. And in this knowing, I pray:
I start my prayer with gratitude, being thankful for another day to experience all that Life has to offer, as I know that there is only One Power, One Presence, One Life that I call God. That Life is my life and the life of everyone everywhere. It is present in everything, animate and inanimate, for before there was anything, there was the idea — the spiritual prototype of that thing— in the mind of God. For God is all that there is.
Knowing God is all there is, I know that I am one with and inseparable from God, and as I know that about myself, I know it to be absolutely true about everyone at Celebration Center, and everyone, everywhere, whether they know it about themselves or not. I know that each of us is created in the image and likeness of God, and imbued with all of the God qualities. Peace, Love, Joy, Wisdom, Abundance, Prosperity and many more are our birthright. And our power to co-create our experience in this world is limited only by our ability and willingness to open to all possibilities.
And so I know that we are creatures of faith. We accept that truth and we open to a greater and greater experience of that faith. We let go of our ego driven belief that we are in control, and we surrender to that invisible, yet ever present One Power that creates all that there is. As we surrender, we open to experience more good — more God — in our lives, and our lives are enriched, and expanded beyond our current experience. That is the power of faith.
I settle back into gratitude, as I am grateful for knowing this truth. Grateful for this philosophy called Religious Science, and for Ernest Holmes and so many other great teachers who synthesized eons of teachings and beliefs into what I know as ancient wisdom – New Thought!
I now simply release my word into the action of the Law, knowing that there is a spiritual law that acts upon my word just as surely as any law of science. I know that even as my word is spoken, it is already known in the mind of God and absolutely assured of fulfillment.
I let go and let God. And so it is!
Prayer for May 1, 2014