The Still Point Is Where the Dance Is,

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP


What a difference a few days can make!  Friday we were moving snow.  For the last couple of days, it has been in the 50s.  The change is remarkable.  We are reminded that change is the essential nature of all things.  Yet, at the core is that which is unchanging.


As T.S. Eliot reminds us, “Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance”


And so we pray.

There is only One Life.  All that there is is God, expressing in so many wonderful ways.  God is the unchanging, the still, the core of all that there is.  God is all that there is.  God’s Life is each of our lives.  It is my life and yours.

Since all life is God in expression, all that occurs is simply God in action.  Money is God in action.  Abundance is God in action.  Health and relationships and work and all else that occurs are the activities of God, expressing as us.

As events and activities swirl, as seasons and weather change, we embrace these shifts, knowing that the Thing at the core of all of it is unchanged and unchangeable.  The still point is where the dance is, and neither can be observed without the other.  They are the same thing, the ever-changing, ever-evolving Universe that expresses the stillness of God.  We are empowered by both aspects and by that knowing.

And so I am simply thankful for the flowing, changing variety of life and the steady, still, quiet core that anchors it all.
And in that gratitude, I simply let it express right here and right now.  I know that it is so, and SO it IS.

Treatment for March 10, 2015