We Affirm and Know and Live Love, Peace, Harmony, and Joy.


Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

Evening is setting in.  I had the pleasure of paneling a new practitioner yesterday.  Today at our center we had an ice cream social.  (As Daniel Nahmod said, everybody likes ice cream.)  And yet we see disturbing events in the world.

We try not to rush to judgment, but we feel the need to do something and say something.  Whether the events are in Minneapolis, Baton Rouge, or Dallas, there is no making rational sense of them.  Yet in the minds of those involved, they make total sense.

Some will run to check all the politically correct boxes.  But that doesn’t help the situation.  Some will react against that reaction.  That doesn’t solve the problem either.

And I remember that when you approach a problem at the level of a problem, it continues to be a problem.

So what can we do?  Well, we can go on enjoying ice cream socials and the flow of life, and we can apply practitioner consciousness.

So we pray.  Because that can help.

There is only One Life.  That is the Life of God.  It expresses as, through, in, and around all.  It is all.  It is the life of every man, woman, and child, every living being, everything that is.  It is Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy.

That Life is each of our lives.  it is us.  We are It.

So we affirm and know and live love, peace, harmony, and joy.  Always.  In every circumstance.  We know that life is ongoing, that nothing ever really dies, that we merely move to a new level of consciousness, to a new expression.  And yet, the perception of death, of killing, of tragedy colors our world.  We know the reality of that grief, even as we know the Truth behind it.  We know that joy shows up wherever there is sorrow, even if it only shows up for the moment as ice cream.  We know that peace shows up where there is strife.  We know that harmony shows up where there is discord.  We know that love shows up in the face of hate.  And we know that this Truth is universal.  We open eyes and minds to see this, to touch and transform it.

I am grateful for Love, Peace, Harmony, and Joy.  I am grateful for the outpicturing of these things in the world.

And so, knowing that in the words of Julian or Norwich, “All is well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well”, I simply release this Word, knowing that the Truth is always operating and Divine Order is always working.  So I know that it is done, done well, and done now and always.

And SO it IS

Treatment for July 10, 2016