March, 2015

Action and Energy of God


Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

Good evening.  It’s late on the 10th, my prayer day.  I didn’t even realize it until this afternoon at work.  Sometimes things sneak up on you.

     Things have been busy here.  We’ve had a lot of activity.  I like activity.  I also like quiet.
     I know that there is only One Life, the Life of God, in, as, through, throughout, and around all.  It is expressing as me right now, and as everyone.
     The hustle and bustle is simply the action and energy of God working itself as and through my life.  Every activity, every word, every idea is simply God in action.  So all the activity going on in my life is simply the movement of God.
     I joyously accept the movement of God.  I accept employment that moves my life forward.  I accept the gifts of abundance and health, enabling me to carry out all the divine activities in my life.  I accept the flow of divine energy through every aspect of my life now.
     I am thankful for this energy and movement, and for the stillness that gives rise to it.
     And in gratitude, I simply let go and know that the action of God continues to move me always.
     And SO it IS!!!
Treatment for February 10, 2015

Forget and Forgive.

Treatment for February 9, 2015

“Just go in and write a short treatment on Forget and Forgive.”

Over breakfast this morning with my wife and our daughter, who had dropped by for tea and talk, I suddenly remembered that today is my day for a treatment and I had forgotten to write one.  The quote above was my daughter’s response to my gurgling over my memory.  So, I pray

As I come to my place of peace I recognize the power of Spirit to allow me to forget that I forgot.

I remember right now that I am One with that Power.

I realize that I can forget that I forgot, but I never forget to forgive.

I am grateful for forgetting and forgiving in my life and I’m grateful for gratitude.

I release and let go of any memory of forgetting, and just go with the flow of forgiveness.

I let it be, and so it is, amen.

Treatment for February 9, 2015


God is the Snow, Rain, Cold, Warm, Football, Baseball—God just is!

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP

      So, we’re well into the New Year and coming up on Super (Bowl) Sunday! It’s cold and we have snow—winter is in full gear! Have you made and kept New Year’s resolutions? It really doesn’t matter as long as you calmed your mind and renewed your thinking to know the Truth that you are the Christ consciousness—One Mind, One Life, perfect, whole and complete! And so we pray…
      God is the Power and the Presence, all Life, the One Mind, the Creator and the Creation! God is Ominpresent, Omnicient, Omnipotent and Omni-benevolent—God is all there is! God is the snow, rain, cold, warm, football, baseball—God just is! And I am that I am. I am one of the Power, Presence, One life and One Mind—I am a co-Creator.
     Just as I am perfect, whole and complete, I know that each and everyone is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Eternal and Immortal. I know that in the Peace within, in the Secret Place of the Most High, nearer than breathing and arms and feet, is the Christ Consciousness—this is the Truth that sets everyone free and is available to all who turn to it and recognize it. I declare that all are blessed as the Light of the World and are a blessing to themselves and everyone who comes into contact with them. I say each and everyone is perfect, whole and complete and manifests perfect radiant health and participates in the infinite and incredible abundance of the Universe!
     I am so very grateful for all the Good, Abundance and Blessings in and around everything and through everyone. I give thanks for the Truth that sets all of us free. I release my Word unto the Law where it is already known in the Mind of God. This Word will not return unto me void. I give thanks that this is so and so it is!
 Treatment for January 27, 2015

Here and Throughout the World

Treatment by Tammi McKinley, RScP


I am writing this from the beach on the Gulf of Mexico. I was able to go to CSL Sarasota this morning and enjoy service and receive a good message from their minister. There has been so much beauty and warmth during my stay here that my heart has been bursting even more so with abundance and gratitude these past few days.

And so I pray:
God is all there is. No matter what I call It, it is Divine and is the all Good.

I am one with that which I call God. As I know this for myself, I know this is true of each one of us here and throughout the world. God knows no separation no matter where we are geographically located at this moment. We are each that perfect expression of the divine.

And so I speak my words using the chant we sang this morning, knowing this is true for myself and each one of us:
I am filled with loving kindness.
I am well.
I am peaceful and at ease.
And I am happy.

And I know that the love and peace we feel for ourselves spreads to each other and throughout the world. Love and peace multiply abundantly. It starts from within and is that ripple in the pond that perpetuates and spreads creating a world where all can know that love and peace.

And I am so joyous in gratitude for this knowing. I know that my words are already known in the One Mind and are fulfilled and that makes me grateful.

I release my word into the Law where it is already so. I let it go. I let it be. And I bind it with,

And so it is.

Treatment for January 22, 2015

Treatment by Rev. Faith Woods 


My prayer began this morning as a Prayer for alignment and wholeness revealing itself in every situation.

As I ready myself for nighttime rest, I realize this day has been filled to overflowing with emotions and experiences compacted and expanded and more intense than I feel a day should hold. When I began this prayer early today, this quote and these thoughts arose.

“Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make sense any more.”    ― Rumi

When I am in the field, I invite you to come join me.

When I can’t quite get there, please invite me to be with you.

If I should forget the field is there, remind me of this special place.

If it appears you have forgotten, I will gently remind you and stay until you are ready to go with me.

When everything looks wrong, the field is there.

When everything looks right, the field is there.

Love is all there is.

Amen – And so it is.

Blessings to all

And if you are not in the referenced field, please watch your step.

Treatment for February 18, 2015


Hustle and Bustle

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP


Good evening.  It’s late on the 10th, my prayer day.  I didn’t even realize it until this afternoon at work.  Sometimes things sneak up on you.

      Things have been busy here.  We’ve had a lot of activity.  I like activity.  I also like quiet.
     I know that there is only One Life, the Life of God, in, as, through, throughout, and around all.  It is expressing as me right now, and as everyone.
     The hustle and bustle is simply the action and energy of God working itself as and through my life.  Every activity, every word, every idea is simply God in action.  So all the activity going on in my life is simply the movement of God.
     I joyously accept the movement of God.  I accept employment that moves my life forward.  I accept the gifts of abundance and health, enabling me to carry out all the divine activities in my life.  I accept the flow of divine energy through every aspect of my life now.
     I am thankful for this energy and movement, and for the stillness that gives rise to it.
     And in gratitude, I simply let go and know that the action of God continues to move me always.
     And SO it IS!!!
Treatment for February 10, 2015