Forget and Forgive.

Treatment for February 9, 2015

“Just go in and write a short treatment on Forget and Forgive.”

Over breakfast this morning with my wife and our daughter, who had dropped by for tea and talk, I suddenly remembered that today is my day for a treatment and I had forgotten to write one.  The quote above was my daughter’s response to my gurgling over my memory.  So, I pray

As I come to my place of peace I recognize the power of Spirit to allow me to forget that I forgot.

I remember right now that I am One with that Power.

I realize that I can forget that I forgot, but I never forget to forgive.

I am grateful for forgetting and forgiving in my life and I’m grateful for gratitude.

I release and let go of any memory of forgetting, and just go with the flow of forgiveness.

I let it be, and so it is, amen.

Treatment for February 9, 2015