A Winter Wonderland, a World that Works for Everyone

Treatment by Caron  Ward, RScP


I awoke this morning to a world that looks like a winter wonderland.  With blue skies above and sun shining, the snow lays like a brilliantly white blanket across the yard.  It is perfect, unmarred, still …awaiting the activity of our neighborhood….

As you awaken to this brand new day, I share this reading with you….The theme is ‘a world that works for everyone’ and it is quoted from Werner Erhard.

“Sometime around now – it may have happened five years ago or fifty years ago – but sometime around now the rules for living successfully on this planet shifted.  We can no longer hope to live meaningful, purposeful lives using the rules of a you or me world.  It’s becoming clearer and clearer to those who will look that in order to live successfully on this planet we must discover and live by the rules of you and me.

Each of our lives is shaped by a basic principle which we adopt when we are young , and which thereafter determines the scope and boundaries of our lives.  This fundamental principle is not what we think or feel, rather it sets the limits of our thinking and feeling…It is the lens through which we unwittingly look at every aspect of our lives, it is the box we live in….examples are  ‘be careful’, or ‘you’ve got to win’.

We need an entirely new way of thinking, an utterly different set of rules for living.  Furthermore, we need to get back in touch with our own nobility, courage, and compassion – qualities which seem archaic today which we are more likely to find in our legends and fairy tales than in our daily lives.  Being noble persons possessing a noble purpose is no longer the exclusive domain of a few extraordinary individuals; rather it is a choice that is available to everyone.

It takes courage to approach living from a you and me context.  It is audacious to create your life making a difference in a world. It takes a lot of heart – openness to your own magnanimity, compassion for yourself, for your own pettiness when it shows itself.  Even in the face of failure you need to be willing to accept yourself as an evolving master in the issue of making the world work for everyone, and to hold the failures, doubts, fears, and uncertainties within the context that you are evolving in mastery.”

And I offer you this prayer…..

I am grateful, as this day begins, to know that there is One Magnificence; a powerful creating energy that I call G-d.  This Presence exists in all that there is – in the beauty of fresh fallen snow; in the  joyful laughter of children taking delight in this newly created playground; as the abundance of Divine love that surrounds us; as the light that is within each of us.  There is nowhere that this Magnificence, this G-d, is not present.

I am grateful that G-d lives, moves, and breathes as the expression of Life with and within each One of us.   Just as we look upon the covering of snow and know that there are uncountable individual, unique snowflakes that make up this winter wonderland, we see them all as one beautiful blanket spread upon the earth.  And so I know that for all of humanity,  there is no separation – we are all One with the One Presence- regardless of race, gender, height, or any other unique qualities that we possess individually – and we join together to let our light shine brilliantly throughout the universe.

Our light is G-d’s light, for we know that G-d the source of all that is, the source of good and greater good.  We know that as we set our intention for this day, and for our lives, we call to this creative power that acts without discrimination, to allow each of us to recognize the nobility of ourselves and of each person we share this planet with.  We let go of fears and doubts and accept that each one of us can truly make a difference; we allow our own unique magnificence to show up in the world and we join together, bringing our individual gifts into the world to create a world that works for everyone….a world that is full of love peace, harmony, and compassion.

I am grateful for this Presence; for the Source of our light; for my faith in the activity of G-d, showing up in expression in each One of us.

I allow these words to be acted upon by the Law, that acts for each one of us equally, and so I know that as I write them, the creating is already taking place.

I simply release, let go…

And so it is!

Be safe, stay warm, and enjoy this gorgeous day!

Treatment for January 24, 2016