Ahh, a Spring Day


Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP

Hmm—it looks like Spring may have sprung—daffodils and higher temps and more light in the day…. While there is ample evidence of cherry blossoms and other blooms, the cool temps and rains belie that. We are in the midst of change for sure, just as worldwide there are apparent disruptions from the peaceful: the earthquake in Nepal, continued fighting in Ukraine and Iraq, even riots in Baltimore. In spite of all that, it is Life manifesting and God is present everywhere.

God is the One Power and the One Presence. God is Good—the Creator and the Creation; all Life and everything there is. God is Nature and Life and Truth! God is Peace, Love, Joy and Abundance and God also acts in accordance according to the Law. I am that I am—of the One Power and Presence. I am a spiritual being having a human experience in a spiritual Universe! I am One of the Creator and I am a co-Creator as all the Power and all the Presence is available and I can use it! I and the Father are One!

Just as I am perfect, whole and complete, I know that each and everyone is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Eternal and Immortal. I declare that each and everyone embraces the Peace and Harmony that is naturally present and Omnipresent to be calm and at peace. I know that positive thoughts of Love and Compassion go out to all whose thoughts are not yet at peace. For I know that each is a divine expression and sees the expression of the divine in each and everyone they meet. For each and everyone is part of the One Life and the One Mind. Fear and anger are calmed and replaced by faith and love when we take the time to transcend physical conditions and realize the Truth that is ever present and that sets us free. The Abundance and the Good and the Love that exists in the entire Universe are available to each and everyone to the extent that they are accepted in faith, gratitude and forgiveness. I declare that each and everyone takes the time to forgive themselves first and everyone else for we are all One—this is true Love of self and others that brings peace and harmony to Life.

And I am exceedingly grateful for the faith that each and everyone manifests in the knowledge of the Truth that sets us free as each and everyone realizes the Truth and expands their consciousness in the One Mind. I am so grateful for the Peace, Love, Joy and Abundance that are present in the Universe and manifest in the lives of each and everyone in the light that shines brightly from within. I am so very grateful that each and everyone transcends their conditions and through Faith and Love, embraces Peace and Harmony as the natural order in the Universe and for the Peace and Harmony that embrace them in return.

And I release my Word unto the Law where it is already known to the Mind of God. I declare that my Word shall not return unto me void. I give thanks that this is so and so it is!

 Treatment for April 27, 2015