Everyday is Earth Day


Treatment by Tammi McKinley, RScP

How blessed am I to write the treatment for Earth Day!!!!

And so I pray:
There is only one Life, one Spirit, expressing as all, as the trees, the air, the sun, the flowers emerging, the new growth of plants and the return of birds. This is all God. God is all there is.

I know that I am one with and inseparable from the Divine. Spirit expresses in, as, and through me, as it does through everyone and everything. All of it is of God.

I speak my word, knowing the appreciation and gratitude we feel for nature expressing at its best. We each are aware of the presence of God throughout the Earth and we honor all that is. Everyday is Earth Day as God is constantly expressing, growing, birthing. Doing all that the Earth does on a daily basis. This is so.

I give thanks for this knowing, these words, the intentions.

I release my word into the Law where it is already known in the One Mind, where my words cannot return to me void. I let it go, I let it be.

And so it is.

Treatment for April 22, 2015