

Treatment by Caron Ward, RScP

This time of year is especially festive, with celebrations of light and love; gifts brought forth to share; and anticipation of the promises of a new year.  For me, this is also a time of great gratitude for the experiences of Life – the joy of sharing time with family and friends, the abundance of good food and fellowship, and the blessings I have received over the last year.  At this time I also remember those who are experiencing challenges in their lives – health concerns, strained relationships, feelings of lack…and so I pray….

There is only One Life, One Mind, One Source that I call G-d.  I know that G-d is a magnificent Divine power, an infinite source of more good than we can even imagine…I know that G-d always provides, with no limitation… there is no limit to the abundance of joy, love, happiness, or freedom that is available at any time to any one…for I know that each of is of the One Source, there is no separation. G-d is, I am.

And so I say I AM joyful! I AM festive! I AM love and experience love fully and deeply! My life is filled with the abundance of happiness, of friendships, of good health, of financial freedom!  I know that G-d is my Source, and I say Yes! to all of this NOW, and in the new year, and ever more!

And just as I know that G-d is MY source, I know that for everyone, everywhere, G-d is THE source. Within each of us there is this One Divine power – all the power and presence that there is, is right here within us, and all the Life that is G-d is within each of us…we co-create from this Essence, from the Source…and so it is that in this moment, the creation of well-being; of peace and harmony in relationships; of an abundant flow of all that we need and more;  all of this and infinitely more is taking place right here and right now in every being’s life…I don’t have the words to adequately express the gratitude I feel for this faith, this knowing that G-d  is the Source and that there is an infinite flow of good.  I am thankful for the depth and strength of my faith and the blessings, big and small, that show up in Life every day.  I say thank you for the Presence, the Essence of Life that exists at the core of our being from which flows unlimited possibilities for everyone everywhere, no limitation, no restriction.

It is from this deep sense of gratitude, that I release my Word into the Law, knowing that this is true…

And so it is…Blessings to all and joy in this season and in all seasons!


Treatment for December 15, 2014