Prayer of the Day

Harmony in the Fall Season

Treatment by h Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
       Interesting times: Halloween is approaching, leaves are turning, election politics are at play, we hear of diversity, racism and white privilege, markets are fluctuating, Thanksgiving beckons… It’s at times like this that our daily spiritual practices ground us, raise our consciousness and promote peace and harmony in our communities and the world. For it is all God and One Mind and One Spirit, and it is the Truth that sets us free to live lives filled with Good, Harmony and Peace. And so we pray….
       God is all there is—the One Mind and the One Life, perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal. God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. God is All-Good and available when we turn to it with acceptance of our good. For, I am that I am! I am one of the Father and the One Power and One Presence and the One Mind. I am created in the spiritual image and likeness of God—I am divine.  
       And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, each and everyone is perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal.  I declare that each and everyone takes the time to go into the silence, to the Secret Place of the Most High within—the Kingdom of God! It is in this communion with our Higher Selves that each and everyone is comforted, realizes the Truth that sets them free, and is at peace and in harmony with the world. And I know that this peace and harmony spreads throughout the community and nation and world. I know that the Power and Presence of Good and Love are more strongly manifested as a result of such communion—and it is Good! I declare that each and everyone becomes more fully aware that there is One Life, that Life is God and that Life is perfect, whole and complete. We are the light of the world as the Truth sets us free!
       I am so very grateful for the Light and Truth that shine brightly in each and everyone for that is the Truth of who we are—divine individualizations of the One Life.  I am grateful for all the Good, Peace, Harmony and Love that are manifested and the blessings that occur for all.  I am so grateful for the Goodness that is available and waits our acceptance. And I release my word unto the Law where it is already known in the mind of God. I know that my word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for October 27, 2016

Adventure, Expansion, Bounty, Abundance

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP


Good afternoon.

Today is an interesting intersection.   In Canada, it’s their Thanksgiving.  In the United States, it’s Columbus Day.  Columbus Day has become controversial, due to a particular reading of history, but many still celebrate it.

Columbus Day, at its best, honors the spirit of exploration and adventure, the expansive drive that led Christopher Columbus to the New World to plant the seeds of Western European civilization in this part of the world.

Canadian Thanksgiving, like ours next month, is a day set aside to give thanks for the bounty of the Universe.

Interestingly, both are fixed by their respective governments on the first Monday in October.

So today, we celebrate adventure, expansion, bounty, abundance.  We celebrate that human drive to reach out, to find more, to be more, to explore.  We explore abundance, gratitude, expansion, abundance.  We expand into our adventure of prosperity and celebration.

There is only One Life.  It is the All.  It is alive in, as, and through each of us.  It is perfect, whole, complete.

Each of us is that One Life.  It is us and we are it.  And so the word i speak and write is God’s word through me.  That Word, that Life is prosperity and abundance, therefore I am those things.

I know, realize, accept the abundance that is God’s bounty as and for me.  I explore the greater prosperity, the expansive adventure, stepping more fully each moment into that greater experience of life that is mine, and I accept it on behalf of every one of us.  I open myself to where it takes me and I embrace that.

I am deeply grateful for this abundant, expansive, joyous life of prosperity.

And so, I simply let it go and know that it is done and done well.  All is well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

And SO it IS!

Treatment for October 10, 2016

Oneness and Diversity

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


Wow, it’s already 5:30pm on my day and I’m just thinking about my prayer for the first time.

So, I simply begin:  I am late and lately I have had several words dominant in my conversation and thinking.  I’ll use them all in treatment:

I just pause in this moment, my moment, and I look out at a clear blue, late afternoon sky, and feel the cool fall air coming through my partially open window.  I am so privileged to just be sitting here right now just thinking and writing what I think.  It is sort of like Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages, except its late afternoon.  But I recognize the divine diversity of all around me and I feel it inside and I know it for all who read this treatment.

As we all become One in this moment of celebration of our diversity and our privilege, we unite in knowing our Oneness and see the Unity in our Diversity.  We are One and All.

I realize that life itself is so varied and diverse.  I accept that the word “Oneness” had no meaning by itself.  It needs our “Manyness” or “Diversity” as a contrast so we can understand our Oneness more deeply.

I say, simply, thank you God, Thank you Oneness, Thank you Diversity, and I am so grateful for the blackness and whiteness of this page that allows my words to move out into the Universe of Love and to be read by all of you and included in your lives.

So, I just let it all be and accept it all in its ups and downs, blacks and whites, ins and outs, and rich diversity.

And so it is Inclusively, Amen.

Treatment for October 9, 2016


A Time for Change

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
       We’re into Fall now—leaves are starting to turn and temps are cooling, kids are in school, days are shorter in daylight, election season is in full swing, incidents in Tulsa, Charlotte, Burlington, etc. continue unabated. It is a time of change and there may be discomfort. Yet, it is by raising our consciousness through communion with Spirit in daily spiritual practices, we are healed, as God is revealed, and we are in a good place and in peace, joy and harmony with the world. This harmony transcends our lives to all others as a blessing since there is only one Mind, one Body and one Spirit. We are practicing the presence. And so we pray…. 
       God is all there is–the One Power and One Presence, the Living Spirit Almighty: in all, over all, around all, through and throughout all. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the entire Universe, the Creator and the creation, all Life and everything there is. And, I am that I am! I am of the One Power and One Presence; I am the activity of God as Love and Joy in the world. I am perfect, whole and complete and I live, move and have my being in Pure Spirit, God—I am divine. 
       And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, each and everyone is perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal.  I declare that each and everyone is conscious of the Truth that sets them free—the Power and Presence of God is in each and everyone and everything. I know that through this recognition of God in and as our lives, we are at Peace, Love, Joy and Harmony which transcend our lives to the lives of all.  I know that each and everyone is divinely guided, directed, led and protected to their highest Good and Greatest yet to be as the activity of God as Love and Joy in the world. I declare that this knowing and revealing is healing for all and a blessing to all as spiritual healing is manifested in the world. We are the light of the world. 
       I am so very grateful for the Light that shines brightly in each and everyone and the Truth that sets us free.  I am grateful for all the Good that is manifested and the healing that occurs in each and everyone and in the world around us.  I am so grateful that this time of change is a time for Joy as Goodness is manifest everywhere. And I release my word unto the Law where it is already known in the mind of God. I know that my word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for September 27, 2016

God Has Made the Day


Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP



This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118 v.24

This beautiful piece of scripture, came to me just as I was sitting down to write this prayer,  It reminds me to  see that God has made the day, and that I can and do rejoice in this day.

As I know that there is only God, God creator, God in all as all.  I see the God in all, the actions of God in all, the being of God as all. I know that as God is all and that therefore God is in me as me, in all that I see, and know.  I know that God is joy, and I can rejoice with God in the creation of the day.  As I know that I am glad for this day,  I know that as I am joyful, God’s joy fills me fully.  As I release concerns of the day, I am realized of the experience that is God:  The Joy, the love, the beauty.   I am so filled with the experience of  being,  the love that fills me to overflowing, I am filled with gratitude, and as I know this for myself I know it for all who read this prayer.

I am so grateful.  I give thanks.  And know that it is so.  AND SO IT IS.

With Love

Treatment for September 20, 2016

Love and Light

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP


Night sets in and we approach the 15th anniversary of 9/11.  (Wow, 15 years!)  This was one of the most dramatic events of our time.  Every year, we stop and remember.  We remember those who perished, we remember the first responders, we remember the devastation and anger, and the resolve.   It is important that we do so.  It is also important that we take time to contemplate what drove this terrible incident.

Martin Luther King reminded us that “darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”    And we know that what we focus on expands.  And so we fill that dark space with light and fill that space of hate with love, remaining ever vigilant to ensure that love and light  triumph.  We do what needs to be one to keep that space of love and light open and full.

We pray.

There is only One Life.  It is Love.  It is Light.  It is Freedom.  It us peace.  It is the life of each of us now.

As the expression of that One Life, I am love, light, freedom, peace.  I radiate these things in every circumstance, in every moment, in every encounter.  They shine forth.  I am vigilant to make sure that I reflect these qualities as fully as possible.

I accept and affirm that they fill my life and the lives of all I meet.

I am thankful for these things, for this knowing, for every moment.

In gratitude, I let go and release this to the Divine Law, knowing that all is well and it is done.

And SO it IS!

Treatment for September 10, 2016

Ah, My Blank Mind


Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


Well, I sit here with a blank mind trying to think of what to write a treatment about.  I love a blank mind when I am going into meditation, but when I am trying to think of what to write about, a blank mind does not help…….unless I just write about a blank mind.


I see the One Mind as a blank mind, not because it is empty, but because my small, finite mind cannot embrace the giant Thoughts and Ideas of the One Mind.  I accept its blankness as a beautiful aspect from my individual perspective.  I know its blankness as a Divine aspect of Mind.  I call it my Mystery.  I recognize my own blankness of mind is a doorway into the One Mind of my mental and spiritual Universe.

I accept my blankness as both a doorway and a viewing window into the One Mind.  I allow my blankness to lead me into that beautiful feeling of Oneness with something so much bigger than myself.   I allow a Peace to emerge from my blankness, which is truly the Peace that passes all understanding.  I unify with the One Mind through my Blankness.  It is also Divine.

I realize that I am joined by a nearly infinite number of other minds who also can celebrate both our blankness and our individual pieces of Big Thoughts.  I return from my Blankness with new thoughts about what to do in my life.  I know we all do this also when we return from Blankness.  I accept it as a form of Visioning.  We find Divine insights in the Blankness.

So, right now I am very grateful for the blank mind that I began with and for the wonderful Blankness of the One Mind in which we all share.  I thank my own mind for its blank times and just gratefully walk through that blankness into the One Mind.

So, I just release these words into the Law of Blankness knowing that they bring a wonderful power into all of our blankness as we simply accept it as our path to inspiration and insight and Divine Instinct.

We are one in the Blankness and so it is.  Amen.

Treatment for September 9, 2016



Express Something

Treatment by Jenn Fay, RScP
   I’ve been reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s book
Big Magic. It’s about creativity & all the lore 
around this seemingly elusive experience.
If you feel a creative nudge or have a curiosity,
follow it, go for it! She & I agree that’s a Divine
Nudge towards something. I call it following the 
thread. It has lead me to such Wonder. 
   Following her advice that rings true to me,
I’m putting my words out there in a nontraditional
prayer-poem. Not everyone likes poetry, but I’m 
not hear to please everyone, thank you, God for
that! 🙂
Express Something
Beloved knows All that Is
All that I am
Together, we craft Life, make changes, plod along
Then, sprint towards the Rapture, the Wonder
My feet land on firm ground
Then, confusion….
Sacred stepping stones strategically placed
 in every direction
Sustain or create a new status quo
Momentarily, the “same old” creeps in…
Heart broken, open with disappointment
For God’s sake!
No… for God’s Delight!
Finally, my Compassion for Being human
Even when I miss the mark,
the Urge celebrates the perfection within
my missing, my falling, my failing, my crying…
For God’s Delight… ah, there, I see it, I feel it
I am cradled in the hammock
 The Sacred Bolts of fabric
wrapping me in hues that soothe, sparkle, and comfort
It’s just a poem
Just a creation allowed to move through Life
Let loose of it! It’s the Divine’s!
Let the next, the next, and the next Inspired Idea come
One Life – Together Expressing
Sacred Mystery moves to… 
Another Idea, another poem, another piece of art,
piece of God, another something
Infinite Joyful Creations, always being released
And so it is!
Treatment for September 7, 2016

Prayer for Those Experiencing Hard Times

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
       Wow—we’re already into the dog days of summer, the heat is relentless, vacations are ending, and Labor Day and the start of school are coming soon. There is so much change and so much to be grateful for. What we are grateful for tends to increase because it is what we are focused on. Focus on the good to experience more good and do your daily spiritual practices to know the Truth that sets you free. As we do this, we have more to be grateful for. At the same time, remember to pray for people in Louisiana, Italy, California, etc. who are experiencing hard times—prayer works! And so we pray….
       God is all there is–the One Power and One Presence, all Good. Life fills all space and Spirit animates everything. God is eternal and immortal—omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.  God is Pure Love and perfect, whole and complete. And, I am that I am! I am one of the Father and the entire Universe. I am created in the spiritual image and likeness of God and I am one of the the Power and the Presence. 
       And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, each and everyone is perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal–a divine, spiritual and individualized expression of the divine. I know that each and everyone expresses the immense gratitude they feel for Life and the Power and the Presence of the divine in everything and everyone around them. I know that good manifests more abundantly in each and everyone’s life as we focus on the Good in Life and the Truth that sets us free. I know that each and everyone is a blessing to themselves and to everyone they come in contact with—each and everyone is the Light of the world and a divine expression. I declare that peace, love, joy and abundance are multiplied in our lives and that we live a life in constant gratitude.
       I am so very grateful for the Truth that sets us free.  I am grateful for all the blessings of Life and Spirit present everywhere and in our consciousness.  I am exceedingly grateful for each and everyone who goes within to commune with Spirit and the entire Universe—for it is all One. And I release my word unto the Law where it is already known in the mind of God. I know that my word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for August 27, 2016

Remember the Stillness



Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP


The day almost got by without my prayer.

Life has been eventful lately.  Suzanne and I are beginning the journey of ministerial training and some audio projects I’ve been working on for a while have finally been posted on the Internet.  Everything is in forward motion.

Yet in the midst of all the motion, we remember stillness.  On retreat this past weekend, we found time for stillness.  As T.S. Eliot reminds us,

Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance,
and there is only the dance.

And so  we simply let the stillness fill us and let it move us as we pray.

There is only One Life.  it is the Life of God.  It is perfect, whole, complete.  At its core it is unchanging and still.  That Life is the life of each of us right now.

We listen to it as we let it move us forward into the new, the deeper, the greater, the more open.

Accepting its wisdom, accepting the experience that it is as and through us, remaining open, we move forward.  We find new roads, new ways of being in service.  We welcome new opportunities.  We make everything new, expressing the fullness of who and what we have come here to be.

I am thankful for this deeper and greater, for this open expression, for the stillness and the motion.

And so, I simply let go and know that all is well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.

And SO it IS!

Treatment for August 10, 2016