Remember the Stillness



Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP


The day almost got by without my prayer.

Life has been eventful lately.  Suzanne and I are beginning the journey of ministerial training and some audio projects I’ve been working on for a while have finally been posted on the Internet.  Everything is in forward motion.

Yet in the midst of all the motion, we remember stillness.  On retreat this past weekend, we found time for stillness.  As T.S. Eliot reminds us,

Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance,
and there is only the dance.

And so  we simply let the stillness fill us and let it move us as we pray.

There is only One Life.  it is the Life of God.  It is perfect, whole, complete.  At its core it is unchanging and still.  That Life is the life of each of us right now.

We listen to it as we let it move us forward into the new, the deeper, the greater, the more open.

Accepting its wisdom, accepting the experience that it is as and through us, remaining open, we move forward.  We find new roads, new ways of being in service.  We welcome new opportunities.  We make everything new, expressing the fullness of who and what we have come here to be.

I am thankful for this deeper and greater, for this open expression, for the stillness and the motion.

And so, I simply let go and know that all is well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.

And SO it IS!

Treatment for August 10, 2016