Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz
Summer is ending, schools are starting up, Labor Day is around the corner, as is the equinox. Basically, Fall is almost here—more change. Change is good—the Universe is always in motion and creating, and yet it is the same Spirit in, around, through and throughout everything. It is God, the Creator and the Creation, all Life and everything there is, and we are a part of It; we are divine, individualized beings, part of the one Wholeness of the Universe. This is the Truth that sets us free, and the more we accept and know the Truth through daily spiritual practices, the more it is done unto us as we believe. When objective circumstances imply evil, separation, hate, anger, the more we need to go inside/within to know the Truth that Good is everywhere and is available to the extent that we accept it—the gift is already made, and we are a part of that gift for we are one with the Universe. And so we pray….
God is the entire Universe and all that is—the Living Spirit Almighty, the Creator and the Creation; all Life and everything there is! God is the One Spirit, Mind, Power and Presence, in and around, over and behind, through and throughout all Creation! There is only one Life and that Life is God’s Life. It is perfect, whole and complete. That Life is my Life, right here and now! And, I am that I am! I am one of the Father and this Creation; I am a co-Creator and one with the One Spirit, Power, Presence and Mind. I am divinely guided, directed, led and protected to my highest good and greatest yet to be as the activity of God as Love in the world. The Truth sets me free!
And just as I am perfect, whole, and complete, each and every one is perfect, whole, complete, eternal, and immortal. I declare that the Truth is available and becomes known to us in the degree that we believe and accept it. The gift is already made and I know that we accept it and receive it with gratitude for all the Good that is available and makes its presence known in our lives. I declare that each and every one is divinely guided, directed, led and protected to their highest good and greatest yet to be, right here and now! Our lives are God’s Life and as we open our consciousness to receive the gifts and the guidance, we are blessed with peace, love, joy, freedom, abundance, health, harmony and happiness. I declare that we unlock the gifts through self-love and self-kindness as that love and kindness spreads to each and everyone and is manifest in the Good surrounding us. I know that each and every one expresses gratitude for all the blessings in their lives and these blessings increase—as what we focus on through gratitude increases.
I am so very grateful for the Blessings in our lives as the Truth reveals Itself to us and we are set free. It is Love and kindness and Good that are already manifested as the gifts of our divinity that are readily accepted in gratitude. I am so very grateful for the abundance of Good in the Universe that is always available as the Truth sets us free. And I release my word unto the Law where it is already known in the mind of God. I know that my word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is!
Treatment for August 27, 2017