Treatment by Frank Mastoris
I was reflecting about my life and the life of so many others. We tend to reflect upon the circumstances of our lives. We bitch and complain. We get angry and frustrated. We try to “change things”. Yet, focusing on all we do not want or do not have just complicates matters. It’s where we focus our attention and it’s what manifests because of the law.
So today, I claim about Celebration Center and each person freedom. So today I claim about Celebration Center the truth of freedom from the unintentional use of the law.
I know the truth. There is truly only one life, one presence and one power. It’s Good, It’s God. It expresses as all things. It expresses in love, peace, joy. It expresses as the complete essence of everything. It expresses as the consciousness of all of Life. It knows nothing other than itself and itself is Good.
I am one with this thing called God. I am God. I am love, peace, joy. I am the complete consciousness of the divine as God. As I know this for myself, I know this for every person who is involved, comes to, or has ever come to the Celebration Center. We are complete expressions of the consciousness of God.
Because we are complete expressions of the consciousness of God, every thought we think, every feeling expresses within and throughout our lives. I know that each of us moves into complete awareness of our thoughts and feelings allowing us to consciously create our lives and the life of our center. We are at choice for what we choose to create or what we choose not to create.
In gratitude, I know that our choices are perfect, whole and complete. We are fully aware and completely expressive of all that God is.
I release this to the law knowing it is done in mine and form. And so it is.
Treatment for May 7, 2014