Our Memories and Our Dreams are Divine as we Live them Now

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP

Wow! Here I sit, blissed out in beautiful memories of 40-45 years ago. I’m relaxing with friends in a beautiful cottage in Carmel, CA. We’ve been having a reunion of grade school and high school friends of my wife, Diane. Yesterday I walked down to Carmel Beach and watched the surf as I remembered the first time Diane and I took our children to the beech. It was about our sixth date and things were starting to get “serious”. Ah, the memories! Two days ago we ate lunch on Old Fisherman’s Warf in Monterey. It was where we ate lunch together on the day we met, 43 years ago. Ah, the memories! As we leave today, we hope to drive by the house where we had a garden wedding 40 years and 5 days ago. Ah, the memories.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was Love, and the Word is Love. We can live each moment mindfully aware of beautiful memories as they come. In this present moment I can return to the beaches and Warfs of memory and make them new. In the present moment we can all create new and beautiful memories by living our lives to their fullest. That leaves us Full — of Memories. Our Memories and our Dreams are Divine as we live them Now, in this moment. In that, we are Divine, our lives are Love.
I know that each person reading these Words Now, realizes the Divine glory of their own memories and dreams with the wonderful power of Mindfilness. We each have the power to revisit our memories and know the Divine glory of Love Now. I give great thanks for knowing that we each also have the power and opportunity to go out into life and create a new memories, Now.

And so, I release my memories for the moment, knowing I can return at any time in Mind. I release these words into Law knowing they serve us all with Memory.

And so it has been, so it is, and so it will be.

Treatment for May 9, 2014