I know that the journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step

Prayer by Peter Fitzner, RScP

There is a power for transformation in the Universe, and we can use it!  As we transform ourselves individually, those around us cannot not change.  Therefore, our change impacts and changes our relationships, our families, our communities and our world.

 I know that all there is is God.  Present everywhere, in everyone and in everything.  Omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.  The Indescribable Infinite, limited only by our experience of it, for as soon as we try to describe God, we place limits upon that which is infinite. 

 Knowing that God is all there is, I know that each of us is and must be one with and inseparable from God.  Each of us created in the image and likeness of God, and each of us imbued with God qualities, available to us to be used to the extent we open to and accept them.  Love, peace, joy, prosperity, abundance, wisdom, knowledge and many more are our birthright.  There is a Universal Intelligence that acts upon our thoughts and our prayers.  Each of us uses that Universal Intelligence to co-create our experiences. 

 So I know about myself, about everyone at Celebration Center, and about everyone, everywhere, that we are a transformative force in the universe.  We examine our beliefs knowing that we can choose to keep them just as they are, or we can release those beliefs that no longer serve us and replace them with new beliefs.  I see this change as Divinely guided and blessed.  I see it happening easily in all of our lives.  I see us open to the experience of transformation individually, and as we are each transformed, those around us observe the changes and are also changed.  As this transformation spreads, what started in one individual multiplies exponentially, and the entire world is transformed.  I know that the journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step, and I see each of us Divinely inspired to take that first creative step toward transformation.  I see us open to receive all of the Good in the universe right now.

 In gratitude for knowing these truths, I release my word into the action of the Law,  which acts upon our thoughts and prayers making them manifest.  I know that the law always works and that my words cannot return to me void. 

 I let go and let God, knowing it is already done!

 And so it is!

 April 1, 2014