I Look to What Would God Do


Treatment by Carol Haave, RScP

Fall is here early — the weather is freakishly cooling, humidity is less. Frisky weather in July 🙂

Today I am grateful — grateful for my family that supports me and makes me laugh….grateful for friends who show up just when I need them…..grateful for Nature and its raw beauty…..grateful that I live in a place and time that allows me — pushes me — to create the life of my dreams.  It all starts in Mind — with a dream, a thought of how life can be.  Each day we are rewarded based upon those thoughts — gifts from the internal I AM.  As I listen to the still, small voice within I know that I am divinely guided, supported and protected.  I focus on that which I do want and release anything unlike my dreams.  I embrace the Power of Mind, knowing it is my Mind right now for purposes of love and good and success and achievement and health and prosperity and wisdom and beauty.  Today I live those words.  Today I AM loving and good and successful and healthy and prosperous and beautiful.  Today I AM the essence of God asking myself in every situation — what would God do?  In this instance, what would God do now?  In this moment, what advice would God give?  The answers are in the questions.  Today, I take the high road in favor of what’s best in each circumstance — I look to what would God do.  Knowing the power of my Mind and that one with God is a majority, I release these words and let them traverse to exactly those who need to hear them and know that they have impact and influence in positive ways.  Thank you, thank you God for this day and every day.  And so it is!

 July 16, 2014