Nature is the Manifestation of God Around Us

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP
     Memorial Day is not only a time of remembrance of special people in our lives, but also the start of the Summer season. It is getting warmer, the flowers and trees are blooming and Nature, in general, is expressing itself in a wonderful, technicolor manner. We also can Live in such a manner when we realize the Truth and allow It to set us free. Nature is the manifestation of God around us, while we each are the individualized expressions of God. We, too, express in a wonderful, technicolor manner through our consciousness connecting with the Spirit within through daily spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, visioning, practicing the presence, tithing, etc. So we pray…
     God is all there is–the Power, the Presence, All-Good, Pure Love, everything and everyone. God is ominipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent–the Alpha and the Omega, eternal and immortal. God is the entire Universe created from the Self-givingness and Self-knowingness out of God Stuff, Spiritual Substance–the Creator and the Creation! I am that I am. I am one with the Power and the Presence and of the Creation. I am a co-Creator of this Life which is One Life as an individualized expression of God and as the activity of God as Love in the world. And just as I am perfect, whole and complete, I know that each and everyone is perfect, whole, complete, eternal and immortal. I declare that each and everyone expresses the Truth of their being and is a blessing to themselves and to everyone they come in contact with. I know that Peace, Love, Joy, Health, Abundance, Harmony and Happiness are divine gifts available to each and everyone to receive in gratitude for the gift has already been made and awaits our acceptance. Life is to be lived with Love as the primary focus and energy for all with an expectation of Good for ourselves and for everyone else for there is only One Life and that Life is God’s Life and it is our Life right now!
     I am so very grateful for the Truth that manifests daily in everyone’s life through the Power and the Presence of God in everything and everyone. I am so very grateful for the One Life that is lived by each and everyone and all the blessings of Good that manifest in each and every Life daily, continuously. I am so very grateful for the spiritual practices that reveal the Truth that sets us free to live and to live more abundantly. And I release my Word unto the Law where it is already known in the Mind of God and is assured of fulfillment. I know that my Word will not return unto me void. I do give thanks that this is so and so it is.
May 27, 2014