Treatment my Caron Ward, RScP
Spring! Ah, its that time when colors burst forth…when the grass looks greener and lawns are transformed with the reds, yellows, whites, lilacs and the myriad other colors that miraculously appear from those hard, dull bulbs that were planted so many months ago! The stark beauty of bare trees that barely registered all winter is now transformed as newly formed buds and tender green leaves unfold. For me this time of year is a re-awakening after the long slumber of winter. Daylight lasts longer, the sun is warmer….I pack away the winter coat, and the down comforter; put away the snow shovel, rubber boots – I feel lighter….spring-ier!
I know that this is all part of the cycle of life….the constant movement and change…renewal, transformation, the ebb and flow of all that is…the ongoing creation that is G-d in action…present as every snowfall of winter, every flower of spring…Just as this transformation so visibly appears all around me, I recognize this same Presence acting as me, with me. I feel the subtle shifts within, shedding ideas and thoughts that no longer serve me, releasing old hurts and replacing them with forgiveness, opening to renewal and accepting the opportunity to change whatever I need to change. It is simply my choice.
As I know this is true for myself, I know that it is true for everyone – this creative Presence that I call G-d is eternally creating, transforming, renewing…nothing is stagnant – oh no! Quite the contrary…nothing is permanent! For each of us there are so many choices, so many directions to take, so many opportunities …with faith, acceptance, and openness…the choice is ours.
I am grateful for the changes in life and the opportunities that they present, and for faith in in the Presence within to guide me to the right choices. I welcome this change of seasons, the vibrant colors of spring, the warm and light that re-awakens me! Yay!
I release these words that are already so, and so it is!
Treatment for May 15, 2014