Today I Stand in Awe of my Life.

Treatment by Carol Haave, RScP


Out in sunny Las Vegas…  I am always amazed at how different locales are across the country, yet each is beautiful in its own way.  Here the lights of the Strip, the greenest green of what little grass there is in the desert (usually found around residences and the hotels), the reflections of light at different times of the day playing across the mountains that surround the city serves to make realize the beauty and wonder that God has created and that we can find every day if we but look at it.

     Today I stand in awe of my Life.  When I look back at what I’ve accomplished, the places I’ve traveled to, the friends I’ve made, the (extended) family we’ve created I know that life is good.  Despite the traumas and tragedies I have suffered/we all have suffered in various ways, life rises again to its own perfect level and is still good.  Amazingly good.  I say “yes” to opportunities that present themselves.  I know that life begins where my comfort level ends so I stretch and accept and play and enjoy.  I seek opportunities to do new things, meet fascinating people. travel, create, surround myself with the Beauty and Power of Nature, give unabashedly….  I step into my future confidently knowing that I have the greatest partner in the world — Spirit!
     Today I accept the confidence that comes from knowing that the most powerful powerful Partner, Spirit, has my back and serves to make me fearless in my life, wants me to be my best and have all great things.  The world depends on me being me and for that I am grateful and say “yes”.  I release these words into the Law knowing their power and say “yes” to the next uncomfortable opportunity that comes my way as I stretch for the heavens with my feet planted firmly on the ground.  Thank you, thank you God!  And so it is!
Treatment for May 16, 2014