As the day winds down, I ask: What have I given today? And I am happy to know there is more than one item that comes to mind. And now I give this prayer.
The Presence of Love that created all that is – that is All that is – and continues forever and ever to be that power of creation that ever gives of Itself, is moving through this prayer. It knows no beginning and no end. It is Love and Life. It asks nothing yet gives everything.
It loves it’s creation in such a way to move the mountains that we may see. It brings forth the extraordinary that we may see in new ways. It loves each of its designs so deeply that we are each imbued with all of its qualities. It invites us to bring forth a unique perspective of Love and Joy and Freedom, of Beauty, Prosperity and Peace. There is a constant newness and revitalization of Life in us as we display the talent that we find is ours to give.
Hence from the One we see so many unique angles. Our quest becomes exploring the depths and heights of each perspective, so as to bring forth more from our individual knowing and understanding.
I speak my word that as we gather in community there is support for each individual to bring forth their gift and see it celebrated. I see communities across the world where individuals are uplifted, refueled and energized. I see communities where people are engaged and encouraged. I see the response to this support creating ripples from our individual centers into the greater world, creating peace and love in the outer and inner landscapes of life.
I give thanks that I am blessed to be a part of the livingness and creative process of Life. I am blessed to bring this forth in a conscious and loving way. I am blessed when I am able to see beyond my foibles and move quickly to the field beyond right doing and wrong doing – to lie down in the field of sweet repose – and know that the truth shall prevail and I can access that truth. Life is Good – Life is God. Life is One.
Knowing blessings abound, I am grateful. I release this prayer into the law of life and know this word as spoken is full and rich. I know there is fulfillment now. I accept these blessings,
And so it is.
Treatment for April 18, 2015