March, 2014

Transforming Individually

Treatment By Ginny Fitzner, RScP

The definition of transform is:

a :  to change in composition or structure

b :  to change the outward form or appearance of

c :  to change in character or condition

Transformation is the act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed.

We describe Religious Science as a transformational philosophy.  Many who have studied it report that their lives are better, relationships are improved, abundance and prosperity replace lack and limitation.  This month’s theme at Celebration Center is:  Transforming, Individually.

And so I pray.

Knowing there is only One omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Spirit, the First Cause, the All in All, that I call God, I know that I am one with and inseparable from God, and as I know this Truth about myself, I know it about everyone at the Celebration Center, and about everyone everywhere.  And I know that our nature is to evolve, to change, and that this change and evolution is Divinely guided.  I know that there is a power for good in the Universe, and we can use it!

Knowing this truth, I know about myself, and about everyone at the Celebration Center that the Universe is the One Mind of God.  I know that our thoughts are known in the One Mind, and that there is a spiritual Law that works just as surely as the laws of gravity and electricity, making manifest our thoughts and desires.  I know that as expressions of the Divine, we co-create our life experiences.  And so, opening to all possibilities, we release anything from our past that no longer serves, for we know that we are entitled to all of the good that the Universe has to offer and that we are open to receiving.  Releasing the past, and opening to the limitless supply of Good that is available, we create the experiences we desire and we are transformed.  We open to and embrace change, knowing the Truth that we are ever moving forward, ever evolving.  Accepting, embracing and welcoming that Truth, we are amazed at the way our lives are transformed and, as our lives change, we notice those around us changing, too.  The sun shines a little bit more brightly.  We notice more smiles.  We receive more hugs.  We have fewer struggles.  Traffic is lighter.  Our work place is more inviting.  Our relationships are great.  The potential is unlimited because it is as big as the unlimited givingness of God!

March 1, 2014

the Power, the Presence, Pure Love. It is the Indescribable Infinite

Treatment by Rich Kurasiewicz, RScP

Brrr–it’s been snowing and cold, a real winter and it has been special….We went from Thanksgiving to Christmas and a New Year and chose to be renewed. Then we celebrated a month dedicated to Love–the greatest power in the Universe. Now, we are fast approaching Spring and the Lenten season–40 days to Easter and the ultimate renewal. It’s up to us with all this magnificence and abundance around to choose to accept the Good and renew our consciousness and change our thinking. We can do this through daily spiritual practices or taking little moments throughout our busy days to practice the presence of God or to just be grateful–for what we focus on increases in our lives. We are constantly at choice and can choose to live unconsciously or to let the Truth set us free! And so we pray:

God is all there is–the Power, the Presence, Pure Love. It is the Indescribable Infinite–the entire illimitable Universe and all the Substance making up the Universe. It is the First Cause, the Creator and the Creation, All Life and everything and everyone there is! And, I am that I am! I am one of the Father and the entire Universe. I am the Faith of God as God. I am a Spiritual Being having a human experience in a Spiritual Universe. I am created in the Spiritual image and likeness of God. I know there is only One Life and that Life is God’s Life. It is perfect, whole and complete. Just as I know that each and everyone is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Eternal and Immortal. I declare that now we each choose to renew our consciousness in the Truth that sets us free. I know that everyone is motivated by Love and chooses to do so.  I declare that we choose to live in the Freedom of the Law of Good and Mind as we are divinely guided, directed, led and protected from within–the Secret Place of the Most High. We choose Life, Love, Spirit, Truth, Abundance, and Good in our lives and desire it for each and everyone.

I am so very grateful for the Truth that sets us free and how it manifests in each and everyone as we all choose to live Life in Peace, Harmony, Love, Health, and Abundance. I am so very grateful for the Kingdom of God and Good that is manifest within each and everyone and around us in the magnificent and abundant Universe that supports and nurtures us. And I release my Word unto the Law where it is already known in the Mind of God and is assured of fulfillment.

I do give thanks that this is so and so it is! Namaste!

February 27, 2014

I am in deep gratitude for this day

Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP


This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118-24

Will we?  Is it Friday yet? How many times do we put off our joy, and postpone our appreciation of the glories of the world which God has created for us?

So I continue to know, that there is only One, One Presence, One Power.  This power and presence is the only presence that is active in the universe, it is the presence and activity of my life as it is the activity that is in and through all of creation.  It is in this time, this Now that I am in deep appreciation of the glories of this day.  I experience joy as I know that, despite appearances, all is well.  I am in deep gratitude for this day, and for this truth.  Knowing this I release my word.

It is so.

February 20, 2014

What a blessed gift our communities are

Treatment by Rev. Faith Woods, RScP

Good Morning Beautiful Souls,

As I pray this morning, I stand and fling my arms skyward, remembering that even as I am anchored to the earth, I am also anchored to the heavens. Knowing in Truth, there is no place I am not, for just as the Divine Presence is everywhere at all times, I am as well.

It is my human casing that does not allow me to fully understand and comprehend this at every moment; however, simply by knowing this in my heart – the Truth begins to expand and open even more. Seeing beyond physical eyes and listening beyond physical ears, I connect fully to the Divine Presence in this moment. Recognizing it is the Divine that animated this form. And moment by moment, the Truth reveals Itself as I open to It.

As I recognize this connectedness, I become aware that each person who shares these words with me is right here with me, and that, every ministry is part of us. Each Center, Study Group, Teaching Chapter, Independent minister is raised as we raise our awareness and understanding. I bless each of you who encourage and support and care about all the organizations and groups that comprise Centers for Spiritual Living. I bless all those who have never heard about Centers for Spiritual Living, yet are coming towards us even as these words are written, coming for the support and encouragement and spiritual growth available in this teaching. I see the inclusivity of this teaching being predominant as individuals are welcomed and loved just as they are.

Appreciation and gratitude well up and overflow the boundaries of my human confines, and I give thanks. What a blessed gift our communities are to those who seek to deepen in spiritual understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you God.

The Law of Life accepts these words as I release them fully and completely. I breathe and let go.

And so It Is

February 18, 2014

There is no containing my excitement today

Treatment by Carol A. Haave, RScP

It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Orlando for the start of our annual Gathering.  The sun is shining brightly but it’s a bit cool.  I love, love, love days like this.

And so I know that in the midst of this perfect day, there is God.  In the midst of hardship and heartache, there is also God.  Everywhere, in everyone, in everything that you can sense, God is there.  And for that I am grateful.  I know that we are each here by Divine appointment, that there is a plan for every person who follows that inner guidance, the voice of God reaching out in sometimes surprising and subtle ways.  I look forward to tonight’s opening.  I am hopeful to reconnect with friends I haven’t seem in quite awhile and to make new ones.  I look forward to basking in the energy of all the participants there, listening to the words of God spoken and the music of God played and sung.  I anticipate the renewing of my Soul.  For those of you who can’t attend, I hold for you the consciousness of receiving what it is you need in this very moment, for we are all connected one to another.  I release these words knowing their Power and their immediate manifestation.  There is no containing my excitement today as I relish taking a nap in the sun (with my face covered of course) and heading to the hotel for the start of tonight’s activities not 5 miles from my house.  Yea!!  Thank you God for all my blessings and for this special time to reconnect with what is.

And so it is!

February 16, 2014

And so I simply remember to focus.

Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP

We near the end of the day.  It is night time and I sit contemplating before heading off to sleep.

We have had a lot of things going on lately.  The car is in the shop for its ESC system.  We saw a wonderful opera Saturday.  We are moving forward in terms of employment.  We had a very dynamic and valuable meeting at our Center.  All sorts of hustle and bustle keeps one busy and makes it easy to lose focus on Truth.

And so I simply remember to focus.  We know that what we focus on expands and what we do not diminishes.  We know to focus on the good we desire, not on what we do not desire to have.

And so I simply recognize that there is One Life, the Life of God, in, as, through, and around each of us.  I am that Life.  You are that Life.  It is all there is.

That Life is each of our lives right now.  It is expressing as us always.  Thus, what God is, we must be.  We relax in the knowing that the Life of God is expressing in every circumstance and experience.

I simply accept.  I accept what is mine to be, do, have.  I enthusiastically move forward in God, knowing that all that is for me is mine now.  Whatever circumstances, I focus on the abundant, joyful, healthy life right here and right now.  I accept it.

I am thankful for this vibrant life expressing as me and as each of us.

And I let go, knowing that it is done.

And SO it IS!

February 10, 2014