I am in deep gratitude for this day

Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP


This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118-24

Will we?  Is it Friday yet? How many times do we put off our joy, and postpone our appreciation of the glories of the world which God has created for us?

So I continue to know, that there is only One, One Presence, One Power.  This power and presence is the only presence that is active in the universe, it is the presence and activity of my life as it is the activity that is in and through all of creation.  It is in this time, this Now that I am in deep appreciation of the glories of this day.  I experience joy as I know that, despite appearances, all is well.  I am in deep gratitude for this day, and for this truth.  Knowing this I release my word.

It is so.

February 20, 2014