What a blessed gift our communities are

Treatment by Rev. Faith Woods, RScP

Good Morning Beautiful Souls,

As I pray this morning, I stand and fling my arms skyward, remembering that even as I am anchored to the earth, I am also anchored to the heavens. Knowing in Truth, there is no place I am not, for just as the Divine Presence is everywhere at all times, I am as well.

It is my human casing that does not allow me to fully understand and comprehend this at every moment; however, simply by knowing this in my heart – the Truth begins to expand and open even more. Seeing beyond physical eyes and listening beyond physical ears, I connect fully to the Divine Presence in this moment. Recognizing it is the Divine that animated this form. And moment by moment, the Truth reveals Itself as I open to It.

As I recognize this connectedness, I become aware that each person who shares these words with me is right here with me, and that, every ministry is part of us. Each Center, Study Group, Teaching Chapter, Independent minister is raised as we raise our awareness and understanding. I bless each of you who encourage and support and care about all the organizations and groups that comprise Centers for Spiritual Living. I bless all those who have never heard about Centers for Spiritual Living, yet are coming towards us even as these words are written, coming for the support and encouragement and spiritual growth available in this teaching. I see the inclusivity of this teaching being predominant as individuals are welcomed and loved just as they are.

Appreciation and gratitude well up and overflow the boundaries of my human confines, and I give thanks. What a blessed gift our communities are to those who seek to deepen in spiritual understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you God.

The Law of Life accepts these words as I release them fully and completely. I breathe and let go.

And so It Is

February 18, 2014