It is in this ever changing, ever growing universe that I recognize our place.

Treatment by Suzanne Delahaie, RScP

Good evening and Happy Spring

      Yes, this is the first day of Spring.  Was it just Monday that we had 8 inches of Snow, and temperatures in the 20’s?  We experience changes, changes of the weather, the rebirth of the flowers, and the trees budding.  It is with the many changes that we experience now that I offer this prayer.
      I know that there is only one, one ever changing,ever renewing presence.  As I know that there is only one presence, I recognize that this presence is experiencing the universe as me and everything in the universe is God experiencing itself.  God is expressing as me, and as the universe.  In this experience there is the ever changing that is God in expression.  It is in this ever changing, ever growing universe that I recognize our place.  It is in this universal growth and change, that we grow in our awareness of spirit’s movement.  I know that all is well in this ever changing world.  God is in charge, and I can relax in this knowing.  As I know this to be true, I give thanks for the changes that we experience.  I give thanks for the chance to grow with the changes that are all around us. I release this prayer to the universal power that is.  And so it is.
     In Awe and love
 March 20, 2014