My marching orders for today: Live, Love, Live, Love.

Treatment by Rev. Faith Woods, RscP

Dear Beloved One,

I am grateful to be in prayer with you today. This is a most magnificent day. It is a day unique and complete and only now. What do I make of it?

Knowing there is a presence and power beyond me, I honor that.

Knowing this presence and power is all there is, I get my “bloated nothingness out of the way” – AND – I connect with it. I let it use me. I allow the Love that It is to flow to, and through, and around each and every part of me. I allow It to use me today in a Sacred and Holy way.

I am ready to receive the blessings of this Presence and to be a vessel of Its Love. I am standing now on holy ground and ready to allow anything unlike it to be transformed into Love. The power in me is unlimited and today for this moment – I loose it – and I ZAP the Universe with all the love I can produce (which is more than I can conceive) and let It do Its work. I watch and become aware of the power of Love, so that I may use it even more powerfully.  I allow it to expand in my being.

I am blessed to know the power of Love, the power of the Divine.  I am blessed to know the Power that I am as I allow Love to flow through me.

So much gratitude – so much Joy – so much Love. My marching orders for today: Live, Love, Live, Love.

Releasing these thoughts and this prayer into the Law – the beautiful Law – the allowing Law, that is always in harmony with us and allows us to add our notes to the melody of Life…I release.
And So It Is.
Blessed Be

March 18, 2014