Today, I Create the Life of my Dreams.

Treatment by Carol Haave, RScP

Have you ever thought about what you wanted to be as a kid?  I wanted to be an oceanographer so I could work with “Flipper.”  Every Saturday morning after swim practice I would ride my bike to Ocean World so that I could get in the tanks and swim with flipper.  Those were happy days.  As I contemplate retirement I am reminded of what I wanted to do as that child and think if not now, when?  My plan is to remember all the things that make me happy and incorporate them into my days moving forward because well, why not?

There is one Life.  That Life is God’s Life.  That Life is Perfect.  That Life is my Life now.  Today, I create the life of my dreams.  I remember what makes me happy and allow more and more of that into my life.  I don’t worry about making money to pay the bills or working to ensure I have healthcare or whatever considerations I tell myself to keep me prisoner in a life that is suboptimal. I simply smile and create a life that is perfect for me knowing that God is my Source.  God makes a way where there appears to be no way.  I simply have to know the what I want in my life, not the how.  Today I spend time in the silence thinking about the what.  I want sunshine and flipper and fresh cut flowers.  I want laughter and smiles and to be kind to someone in need.  I want to walk the beach, play with Lexi (dog) and support a friend.  I want to eat well, exercise in a fun way and smell the roses.  I’ve come to realize that the best things in life really are free — smelling the salt air at the beach, the waving of flowers in the wind, the smiles of friends and the love of family.  Priceless.  What more can I want than this?  Knowing that I am a divine child of God, affirming my right to be here and have the life I want, grateful for what already is in my life and the anticipation of more to come, I thank God.  I release these words into the Law, smiling as I know their power and complete manifestation in my life….in each person’s life.  Thank you, thank you God for all this and more.  And so it is!!

March 16, 2014