Spring Forward

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP


Today I accept God’s gift of time to play with time itself.  I divinely play by remembering playing cowboys and Indians as a child.  Then I played a soldier fighting the Nazis.  My neighbor girl played mother with her baby dolls. I even remember playing at being a horse, with a rider on my back. I celebrate my ability to cross time in my memories.  Now that I’m older, I get to play at being God, by changing time itself.

We each have this gift of God to play with time in our memories and in our dreams and even by just changing our clocks.    Last night we got to play with time again as we all remembered “Spring Forward, Fall Back” and we played at being God by changing time.

Today, we are all together in time as we celebrate “daylight savings time” wherever we are.   Most of us were asleep this morning when the sun rose an hour later.  Tonight we will be awake and aware of the sun setting an hour later, so in our wakefulness we save an hour of daylight.  We smile with and as God at “Daylight Savings Time”.  So, I realize for all of us that we are Divinely at play with time today.

As a child I was so grateful for my toys.  Today, I’m grateful for Time, my new toy.  I say thank you, God, for Time and for my ability to play with it like this.  We all “saved” some daylight today.  So, I spring forward in gratitude and look forward to falling back in love.  Thank you for the joys of toys.

As I release these words into the laughing heart of God, and into the Law of Life, I simply accept that we are all here to play, joyfully, in time.

And so it is.

March 9, 2014