The budding of new expressions of life within and through our church.

Treatment By Frank Mastoris

Today is March 7th, a little less than 2 weeks till Spring.  I am so ready for warmer weather and the budding of new life.  A new expression of the divine.  So today I pray.

There is only one life. That life is God’s perfect life in multiple forms and expressions.  That life is perfect.  That Life is my life and the life of each and every one of us as divine expressions of the beloved called God.

I know, as we prepare for the expressions of new life, the budding of the trees, the birth of birds and new babies that nature brings, that energy expressed moves through the Celebration Center bringing forth new life and the budding of new expressions of life within and through our church.  We cannot but blossom as the flowers open to the sky so we open to God within and express “More Please”.

So I am grateful, ever so grateful, for the blossoming of God in our lives and the lives of our church. I release this to the law knowing it is done in mind and form and so it is.